sharecropped adj.

having the quality of a sharecrop n.

SF Criticism

  • 1989 C. N. Brown in Locus Feb. 31/1

    The 64 novelizations included 11 Star Trek novels, 11 from other tv series, eight movie novelizations, 14 novels based on games, and 20 sharecropped books—either set in shared universes or based on other authors' franchises.

  • 1993 J. Clute Sharecrop in J. Clute & P. Nicholls Encyclopedia of Science Fiction 1091/2 John Clute

    To describe a text as sharecropped is in 1992 almost certainly to disparage it as commodity fiction, designed to fit a prearranged marketing slot and written to order according to strict instructions from the owner.

  • 1994 Interzone Mar. 69/1

    Second of a sharecropped trilogy (mainly by Gentry Lee) based on Clarke’s original novel Rendezvous with Rama.

  • 1994 J. Kessel Books in Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Apr. 28/2 page image John Kessel bibliography

    And we have tons of meretricious crap, media generated and oriented fodder, sharecropped sequels to books by dead writers whose corpses are being used as brand names, endless fantasy quest series, endless militaristic wet dreams.

  • 1998 T. M. Disch Dreams Our Stuff is Made Of 211 Thomas M. Disch

    The Star Trek franchise has been a gold mine for almost everyone concerned—even, to a degree, for those who have written product for them. Admittedly, their slice of the pie (if any) is smaller than it would be were they to write their own books. At best, they may get a 2 percent royalty, as against standard hardcover royalties of 10 percent and paperback royalties of 6 or 8 percent. But 2 percent of a bundle is better than 10 percent of a smidgeon… A couple such stints of labor each year will pay the bills and still leave a lot of time for product that isn’t ‘sharecropped’ in this way.

  • 2005 C. Stross Accelerando v. 209 Charles Stross bibliography

    ‘Probably not,’ Amber says slowly, pausing for a moment to spawn spectator threads to run down the book and all three movie versions of Nineteen Eighty-Four, followed by the sharecropped series of sequel novels.

Research requirements

antedating 1989

Earliest cite

Charles N. Brown in Locus

Research History
Jeff Prucher submitted a 1993 cite from the Clute/Nicholls "Encyclopedia of SF". Jeff Prucher submitted a 1989 cite from Charles N. Brown in Locus. Enoch Forrester submitted a 1998 cite from Thomas Disch's "The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of". Jeff Prucher submitted a 1994 cite from John Kessel's review column in F&SF.

We would like cites of any date from other sources.

Last modified 2020-12-16 04:08:47
In the compilation of some entries, HDSF has drawn extensively on corresponding entries in OED.