Clarke orbit n.
geosynchronous orbit
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Keith Laumer
The meteorologist on duty in the United States Weather Satellite in Clarke orbit twenty-two thousand miles above the Atlantic had watched the anomalous formation for half an hour on the big twelve-power screen before calling it to the attention of his supervisor.
And Now They Wake in Galaxy Mar. 20/1
With Early Bird (6 April 1965) a Clarke orbit was achieved.
Artificial Satellite Observing & Applications 30
Keith Laumer
I just read and like the July issue, incidentally noticing that both Arthur Clarke and Norman Spinrad made use of a term which I have long considered unnecessarily clumsy, to wit ‘synchronous’, as ‘geo-synchronous orbit’. For some time in my work I have employed the term ‘Clarke orbit’, which is simple and gives Arthur the credit due to him. I hereby propose that you throw the weight of Analog behind this usage, and pretty soon everybody will say ‘Clarke orbit’.
in Analog Dec. 175/1,
Kim Stanley Robinson
Well, Connie, we're in a Clarke orbit, so we don’t have to worry about orbital velocity.
Icehenge (1990) 208
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Ralph E. Vaughan
The Caestus imploded as it entered a clarke orbit. The glowing wreckage hung in stationary orbit until removed by the Planetary Engineering Corps, hung like an unmoving star above the very city in which Fra William Gynt would give a Canite over to death thirty years later.
Stranger Gods in Amazing Stories July 58/2
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John C. Wright
So that is the situation we find ourselves in—trapped, doomed, abandoned, and the Hyades skyhook is about to float over us and yank us up into a Clarke orbit for transshipment to Alpha Centauri, but if the skyhook don’t get us, a Melusine called a Paramount is coming to brain-rape us, and absorb us into its soul vampire-style, but more neuroelectronically.
Judge of Ages x. 215
Research requirements
antedating 1969
Earliest cite
Keith Laumer
Research History
Mike Christie has submitted a 1976 Keith Laumer cite from Analog.Bill Mullins submitted a 1974 cite from "Artificial satellite observing and its applications" by Howard Miles.
Bill Mullins submitted a 1969 cite from Keith Laumer, in Galaxy.
Bee Ostrowsky submitted a 1991 cite from Ralph E. Vaughan.
Bee Ostrowsky submitted a 2014 cite from John C. Wright.
Earliest cite in the OED: 1983.
Last modified 2024-11-17 00:09:25
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