sf adj.
SF Criticism
1929 Science Wonder Stories June 92/3
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[In a list of proposed titles for a science-fiction magazine:] The S.F. Magazine. (Science-Fiction).
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Carlyle J. Bessette
There must be some adventure and romance in the real S.F. stories, but good science must be mixed in it. [Ibid. 279/1] You must have more science in the stories if you want to make a real S.F. magazine out of Astounding Stories.
Not Many Likes in Astounding Stories Nov. 278/2 (letter) -
1940 Correspondence Corner in Amazing Stories June 140
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Would like to correspond with S-F fans between 15 and 18…. Would like to trade or sell S-F magazines.
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Richard A. Hoen
I blinked twice…in wonder that you had succeeded in getting so many of the top authors in the whole SF field into one issue.
Letter in Astounding Science Fiction Mar. 156/2 -
1965 Growing Pains—And Pleasures in Worlds of If Aug. 4/2 (editorial)
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Frederik Pohl
It seems to be the nature of the beast that the longer sf stories are usually more fun to read than the short ones.
Philip K. Dick
I used to dig in the garden, and there is nothing fantastic or ultradimensional about crab grass…unless you are an sf writer, in which case pretty soon you are viewing crab grass with suspicion.
in We can Remember It for you Wholesale (1994) 493 -
1991 Locus Nov. 5/3
We’re using more and more speculative non-fiction from sf writers.
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Yet you’re planning to feature fantasy also. Mistake—S.F. fans don’t really want fantasy, or else they'd request it.
Letter in Science Fiction Age Jan. 8/2 -
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Worldcon is the place to be. It is the sf industry’s premiere networking event.
in Interzone (#197) Mar.–Apr. 4/2 -
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Rich Horton
The New Yorker has a real SF story in the January 16 issue, albeit one that is pretty overtly using its SF elements to help illuminate a somewhat cynical look at a pretty bog-standard corporate raider trying to achieve redemption.
in Locus Mar. 54/1
Research requirements
antedating 1929
Last modified 2025-01-15 20:07:26
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