Cerean adj.
of or relating to the dwarf planet Ceres or its inhabitants
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Albert F. Zahm
The soldiers have no need of massive cannon for their work of destruction. They hurl huge boulders for miles along the land and so swiftly as almost to resist the force of gravity [...] the Cerean warriors, neglecting all other weapons, gather up and hurl whatever lies in their way.
Sizes of Worlds and Their Inhabitants in Notre Dame Scholastic 5 May 531/2 -
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Aladra Septama
The little planet was plunged into utter blackness, and it was only with the return of the light that they became aware that in some unknown way their ships had been landed on Ceres, whence all efforts failed to budge them. They were as solidly fixed as if they had grown there, but without anything appearing to hold them. Too, all signs of life on the planet, including the Cerean vessels, had vanished. Had they flown away to make a home elsewherw—with the Earth women for mates? It seemed not unlikely.
Beast-Men of Ceres in Amazing Stories Quarterly Winter 103/2 -
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James Edison Northfield
Hoxor nodded, opened the door, and stepped out. And, with his gun held close to his body to conceal it from prying eyes, Flash followed. And slowly, almost funereally, the cavalcade made its way out into the cold, dark air of the Cerean night.
Master of Mars in Flash Gordon Strange Adventure Magazine Dec. xviii. 60/1 -
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Raymond E. Banks
‘Ixtl frpp,’ she murmured in a seductive fashion that always brought out the hackles on his neck. A Cerean girl could do that, for they all had sultry voices. Even the clothes were objectionable, for this girl wore dainty, filmy black things that set off her clear skin and red hair in an astonishing fashion.
Ixtl Igo, Son! in Future Science Fiction Sept. 65/1 -
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Randall Garrett
Inside, thousands of tiny, faceted, plastic gems are kept constantly in motion by forced air currents, swirling up and down the inside of the transparent column—easy enough to do under Cerean gravity. Each spinning gem, scarcely larger than a pinhead, catches the light and scatters it around the room. It’s a sort of macroscopic Tyndall effect that is quite impressive.
His Master’s Voice in Analog Science Fact -> Science Fiction Mar. 30/1 -
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Mal Warwick
The gleaming cylinder of the Nôva Vida, rotating slowly in the Cerean sky, burns after-images into my eyes. Inside the wombs of hundred of women living aboard that ship that Mariano built is the flesh and blood of a new generation which may yet be warmed by the fires of Capella.
Fly in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact July 119 -
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Walter Jon Williams
She glanced up as a group of people entered the bar—she recognized a famous swindler from Ceres named da Vega, his hands and face covered with expensive, glowing implant jewelry that reminded her of fluorescent slime mold. He was with an all-female group of bodyguards who were supposed to stand between him and any Cerean snatch teams sent to bring him to justice.
Wolf Time in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine Jan. 70 -
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Ben Bova
The two women were sitting in the faculty lounge of the minuscule Ceres branch of the Interplanetary Space University. Little more than an extended suite of rooms in the same shielded dome as the hotel, the university was mainly a communications centre where Cerean workers and their children could attend classes through interactive computer programs.
Sam Gunn, Unlimited xix. 285 -
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Russell Letson
The other story line follows the acceptance of Vestan refugees into Cerean society and includes social-theory conversations that parallel those of the Vesta thread.
The Four Thousand, The Eight Hundred in Locus (#667) Aug. 49/3 (review)
Research requirements
antedating 1883
Earliest cite
Albert Francis Zahm, ‘Sizes of Worlds and Their Inhabitants’
Research History
Suggested, and most cites submitted, by Bee Ostrowsky.
Last modified 2023-01-04 19:25:54
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