sharecrop v.

to write a sharecrop n.

SF Encyclopedia

SF Criticism

  • 1994 J. Clute Is Science Fiction Out to Lunch? in J. Morrow Nebula Awards 28 2 John Clute

    Most of what is published is now industrial-base frozen food, portion-controlled, Sanisealed, and sharecropped, spilling like plastic hot-dogs from a million identical slots in a million vending machines.

  • 1994 Interzone Oct. 63/1

    By the end of volume one—the sequence looks like a tripleheader, unless Turtledove takes his vengeful humans into space and beards the Kzin-like lizards in their own den, a part of the tale which could easily be sharecropped—the table is about to turn.

  • 1998 N. Spinrad Who is Killing Science Fiction? in J. Dann Nebula Awards 32 25 Norman Spinrad

    And good early novels are being buried by an avalanche of despicable schlock that has no raison d’être whatsoever beyond the sacred bottom line. Star Wars novels. Star Trek novels. X-Files novels. Writers sharecropping the universes of other writers, living and dead.

Research requirements

antedating 1994

Earliest cite

in Interzone

Research History
Jeff Prucher submitted a 1998 cite from Norman Spinrad's "Who is Killing Science Fiction?"

We would like cites of any date from other authors.

Last modified 2021-01-05 20:38:44
In the compilation of some entries, HDSF has drawn extensively on corresponding entries in OED.