Callistan n. 2

the language of Callistans



  • 1941 M. Jameson Bullard Reflects in Astounding Science-Fiction Dec. 74/2 page image Malcolm Jameson bibliography

    β€˜What’s the dirtiest thing you can call a Callistan?’ whispered Bullard, grinning unseen in the dark. β€˜You know the lingo.’ β€˜Froahbortlen,’ replied MacKay without hesitation. The Callistan language was rich in epithets, but that one was the most comprehensive and unequivocal ever coined in any language. Even a depraved criminal of the lowest grade would resent it.

  • 1951 β€˜R. Dee’ Girl from Callisto in Thrilling Wonder Stories June 76/1 page image Roger Dee bibliography

    The girl explained everything to him in rapid-fire Callistan.

Last modified 2021-12-23 15:35:04
In the compilation of some entries, HDSF has drawn extensively on corresponding entries in OED.