glitch n.
in phrase a glitch in the matrix: in the 1999 film The Matrix: an anomaly in the virtual representation of reality in which much of the film takes place, indicating a change or error in the underlying computer simulation; (hence, broadly) a mistake, an error, a problem
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A deja vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something.
The Matrix (shooting script, 29 Mar.) 77
Growing glitches in the matrix weren’t noticed by most people in the West, because the postwar years brought unprecedented levels of Western prosperity and social progress.
Escaping the Matrix in Whole Earth Summer 53/2
2001 American Spectator Sept.–Oct. 10/2
But that there is something — an essence in the invisible, a ghost in the machine, or simple [sic] a glitch in the matrix — there can be no mistake.
2003 Wall Street Journal 7 Nov.
Big Glitch in the Matrix: ‘Revolutions’ Ends Trilogy On a Joyless, Feeble Note.
1/1 (headline)
Mark Dery
It is a White House whose solution to every unhappy turn of events—the Iraqi insurgency, Hurricane Katrina, a moribund economy—is to treat it not as a real-world problem requiring a real-world solution but as a glitch in the Matrix, ‘a perception problem’ to be handled with the Message of the Day and the Theme of the Week.
McClellan’s ‘Matrix’ Moment in L.A. Times 7 June 23/2 -
2015 Fortean Times Dec. 4/1
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Explanations for the event ranged from a glitch in the matrix, alternate universes opening up, and NASA attempting to establish a new world order headed up by the Antichrist by simulating — by means of holograms — either an alien invasion of Earth or Christ’s Second Coming, through something called the ‘Blue Beam Project’.
You may find yourself incredibly frustrated with verbal misunderstandings or technical snafus. Don’t worry. It’s a temporary glitch in the matrix; all will be back to normal soon.
February Horoscope in Essence Jan.–Feb. 89
Research requirements
antedating 1998
Research History
Suggested, and most cites supplied, by Bill Mullins.
Last modified 2021-12-22 14:03:47
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