Earth-norm adj.

= Earth-normal adj.

  • 1942 ‘T. Ayre’ Vampire Queen in Planet Stories Fall 65/2 page image John Russell Fearn bibliography

    Wearied, we went back to the ship and relaxed gratefully in the Earth-norm gravity.

  • 1957 R. Silverberg Misfit in Super-Science Fiction Dec. 101/2 page image Robert Silverberg bibliography

    On a heavy-grav planet like this, you’re better suited than we are. After all, you've been Adapted for it. On an Earth-norm world, it’s the other way around.

  • 1970 R. E. Toomey Directions into the Darkness in Fantastic Aug. 76/2 page image Robert E. Toomey, Jr. bibliography

    This was his homeworld, Eddih. It had a one-point-eight Earth norm grav and its atmosphere, for me, was unbreathable. I had to wear an uncomfortable life-support unit.

  • 1983 G. Benford Against Infinity—II in Amazing Stories 130 page image Gregory Benford bibliography

    In the fourteen percent Earth-norm gravity even he could lift and manhandle huge crates.

  • 2005 J. Whedon Serenity: Shooting Script in Serenity: Official Visual Companion 125 Joss Whedon bibliography

    Gravity’s Earthnorm.

Research requirements

antedating 1942

Earliest cite

John Russell Fearn, writing as "Thornton Ayre", in Planet Stories

Last modified 2022-04-01 12:37:11
In the compilation of some entries, HDSF has drawn extensively on corresponding entries in OED.