loc v.
to write a loc (to)
SF Fandom
You are receiving LOKI because: You contributed ( ) Paid ¢a$h ( )….You LoCed lastish ( )….Unless you contribute, pay, trade, or LoC, you will not get nextish unless you belong to SFPA.
in Loki (Southern Fandom Press Alliance) (#1 (not stated)) (back cover) -
1965 Nexus (#3) 1
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There are again a very limited number of copies being printed; If you’re not in OMPA you had better LoC or contribute something interesting if you wish to receive the next issue.
1981 Proper Boskonian (#23) 2
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Apparently I was among the cast of thousands who starred in the epic production, ‘I failed to Loc the 18th Proper Boskonian’. ((Actually, Harry, only about 250 people failed to Loc PB 18. Somehow, that doesn’t make me feel any better…))
2007 File 770 (#152) 2/1
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Thanks to fans who devotedly LoC nearly every zine they get.
2013 Broken Toys (#15) 7
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It would be insane to expect anyone to loc as often as every issue…. Some readers don’t loc at all.
Research requirements
antedating 1962
Earliest cite
in Loki (issue #1)
Research History
Fred Galvin submitted a 1962 cite from a personal copy of Loki.
Last modified 2021-10-14 17:25:31
In the compilation of some
entries, HDSF has drawn extensively on corresponding entries
in OED.