letterhack n.
a fan who frequently writes letters to magazine or fanzine letter columns
SF Fandom
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Must the letter-hacks give themselves those asinine titles? ‘King, of the Poisoned Pen,’ ‘The Macabre One,’ ‘The Mastermind,’ indeed!
Letter in Planet Stories Winter 120/1 -
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Don’t kid yerselves, fellers—the Genial Genius has one of the finest styles of any letter hack around.
Letter in Planet Stories Fall 128/2 -
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Nowadays a letter-hack says things simply, which is, after all, the best way. Take any good story. You don’t find long, stilted sentences with long-winded descriptions (which was one reason I put “The Dimension of Chance” last). So listen and learn, letter-hacks.
Letter in Startling Stories Fall 102/2
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Despite the fact that a listing of stories is considered tabu by the best letter-hacks, I'm giving with a few comments on the fiction content.
Letter in Thrilling Wonder Stories Winter 102/2
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Tom Pace
Dear Sargie: You said it; letter hacks come and go, but the Sarge goes on forever. Well, here’s one letter-hack who came, went, and is coming back.
Waste Ofs Pace in Startling Stories Jan. 100/2
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I see that the old guard is back but as a greatly matured and slightly subdued group of letter-hacks. This column now reflects the rise of stf out of the screwball stage.
Blaze of Glory! in Thrilling Wonder Stories June 99/1 (letter)
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If the casualty rate among letter hacks were as rough as you say the same old faithful names wouldn’t appear as long as they do—bless their little ink-smudged hearts.
Marble Department in Startling Stories Fall 106/2
LETTERHACK — An actifan who specializes in writing letters for zines. One of the simplest and yet the most effective phases of fanac. Give the letterhack a ream of paper, stamps, and one or two other letterhacks for him to argue with, and he will keep happy and tractable for months.
Ghu’s Lexicon 12
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Lin Carter
If your ‘fanac’ (activities in science-fiction fandom) are confined largely to reading fanzines and submitting LoC’s (letters of comment), you are likely to be sneered at as a ‘letterhack.’
Handy Phrase-Book in Fannish in Worlds of If Oct. 66/2
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Dave Hulvey
I look forward to another period of hyperactivity for myself and a new faannish [sic] era to be a member of—if only as a letterhack again.
Letter in Amazing Stories Sept. 118/2 -
2009 Fangoria Feb. 16/2
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He wrote so many letters to professional and amateur 'zines that he was fandom’s major ‘letterhack’—well-known, even notorious for his outspoken opinions.
Research requirements
antedating 1944
Earliest cite
in Planet Stories
Research History
Fred Galvin submitted a 1947 cite from a letter by Alvin R. Brown in Thrilling Wonder Stories.Fred Galvin submitted a 1959 cite from Fancyclopedia II.
Fred Galvin submitted a 1966 cite from Lin Carter's "Handy Phrase-Book in Fannish".
Fred Galvin submitted a 1948 cite from a letter by Chad Oliver in Thrilling Wonder Stories.
Fred Galvin submitted a 1947 cite from a letter by Tom Pace in Startling Stories.
Fred Galvin submitted a 1946 cite from a letter by Tom Jewett in Startling Stories.
Fred Galvin submitted a 1947 cite from a letter by Ron Anger in Thrilling Wonder Stories.
Fred Galvin submitted a 1954 cite from an editorial reply to a letter in Startling Stories.
Fred Galvin submitted a 1946 cite from a letter by Gene Hunter in Thrilling Wonder Stories.
Jesse Sheidlower submitted a 1944 cite from Planet Stories.
Jesse Sheidlower submitted a 1942 cite from Planet Stories.
Last modified 2020-12-16 04:08:47
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