gafiate v.
to cease involvement with science fiction fandom
[< gafia n. 2]
SF Fandom
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Dick Eney
Quandry [sic] (Hoffwoman), the famous fanzine published by Lee Hoffman of Savannah Ga. before she gafiated for the first time.
Fancyclopedia II 134 -
1961 National Fantasy Fan Feb. 6
Guy E. Terwilleger has advised me that an unexpectedly heavy load of school duty is forcing him to gafiate from all fannish activity, and to resign as Director of the NFFF.
1961 Parsection 15 Mar. 19
Rich has gafiated temporarily. He is between stations, his wife just had a baby, and his car collapsed.
Donald Franson
Gafiate, leave fandom (from ‘gafia’).
Key to the Terminology of Science-Fiction Fandom 7 -
Harry Warner, Jr.
Gafia, getting away from it all; growing inactive in fandom, and as a verb, to gafiate; originally it meant the opposite, getting away from the mundane world by engaging in fanac.
All Our Yesterdays (1972) xx. -
James E. Gunn
Why do the fans go to all the trouble? The fans themselves ask the same question. Some of them answer with ‘fiawol’, which is fanese for ‘fandom is a way of life’; others, unable to find a satisfactory answer, ‘gafiate’—get away from it all.
Alternate Worlds 182 -
Larry Niven
Michael F. Flynn
Jerry Pournelle
‘We heard you'd gafiated.’ ‘Fafiated.’ She looked him straight in the eye, daring him to disagree. She hadn’t gotten away from it all; she'd been forced away from it all.
Fallen Angels 23–4 -
1992 Locus June 21/3
Some of the fans gafiated and got real lives; but others became famous writers.
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Larry Niven
Steven Barnes
They had once been married, but then one of them had lost interest in gaming, and the relationship had drifted apart. If memory served, it was Maud who had gafiated.
Moon Maze Game xv. 127
Research requirements
antedating 1959
Earliest cite
R. Eney 'Fancyclopedia II'
Research History
Leah Zeldes submitted a cite from a 1972 reprint of Harry Warner's "All Our Yesterdays".Cory Panshin verified this in the 1969 first edition.
Keith Stokes submitted a 1962 cite from "A Key to the Terminology of S-F Fandom".
Fred Galvin submitted a 1961 cite from "The National Fantasy Fan".
Fred Galvin submitted a 1961 cite from George Willick's fanzine "Parsection".
Fred Galvin submitted a 1959 cite from Fancyclopedia 2.
Jeff Prucher submitted a 1975 cite from James Gunn's "Alternate Worlds".
Jeff Prucher submitted a 1984 cite from David Hartwell's "Age of Wonder".
Ben Ostowsky submitted a 2011 cite from Niven and Barnes.
Last modified 2022-11-16 15:21:07
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