astrobiology n.

a branch of biology concerned with the discovery or study of life on the celestial bodies


  • 1941 Astronomical Society of the Pacific Leaflets Jan. 333

    The subject of astrobiology—the consideration of life in the universe elsewhere than on earth—is one that has been so often and so inadequately treated that the immediate and natural tendency of an experienced reader is to expect another bit of pseudo-scientific romancing.

  • 1956 W. A. Webb Correlation of the Martian Canal Network in Astounding Science Fiction Mar. 86/2 page image

    In view of the widespread acceptance of the theory that the dark areas of Mars…may be vegetative growths, their study and interpretation would then belong to a new science of astrobiology, a branch that is calling out for recruits.

  • 1968 W. Martins Sao Paulo Letter in Amazing Stories Sept. 136/2 page image

    To capture the public interest, the events ranged from conferences (four, one of them by Mr. Flavio Pereira, an expert on flying saucers and astrobiology) to the re-run of old SF movie pictures.

  • 2004 Asimov’s Science Fiction June 140/2 page image

    Astrobiology is still an infant science, and one aware of its need for something concrete to study.

Research requirements

antedating 1941

Earliest cite

Astronomical Society of the Pacific leaflet #143

Research History
Bill Mullins submitted a January 1941 cite from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Leaflet #143.

Earliest cite in the OED was from 1955

Last modified 2020-12-16 05:12:13
In the compilation of some entries, HDSF has drawn extensively on corresponding entries in OED.