gafiation n.
the state of having quit fandom; cf. gafia n. 2
SF Fandom
Dick Eney
It was alleged that it folded with the gafiation of Keasler, Vick, and Leeh (especially) and the corresponding lapse of their fanzines.
Fancyclopedia II 61 -
The average age of fans probably advanced with the progress of the decade, because many fans remained active right through it, to counterbalance the rejuvenation created by the gafiation of older fans and the appearance of neofans.
All our Yesterdays 25 -
James E. Gunn
Degafiate—To resume fanac after gafiation.
Alternate Worlds 182 -
Trufen reprint Walt Willis columns; superfan Hughes recently printed a new Willis column presenting the Irish Legend’s return to fandom, at the 1976 Eastercon, after an 11-year gafiation.
Propellor Beanie in Algol Spring 43/1 -
David G. Hartwell
It is possible to return to fandom after an extended period of gafiation; but of course many gafiates are never heard from again.
The Golden Age of Science Fiction is Twelve in Top of News (1982, issue number unknown) 163 -
page image
Joe Haldeman
To the best of my knowledge, no one has yet tried to explain the movie through the obscure mythology of science-fiction fandom, where a ‘neo’ is someone who has been touched by the magic of the thing but has yet to learn its language and tropes—the dirty pros and smofs, the power of fiawol and the dread of gafiation.
Matrix As Sci-Fi in Exploring Matrix 179
Research requirements
antedating 1959
Earliest cite
R. Eney 'Fancyclopedia II'
Research History
Jeff Prucher submitted a 1984 cite from David Hartwell's "Age of Wonder".Jeff Prucher submitted a 1975 cite from James Gunn's "Alternate Worlds", which quoted Harry Warner, Jr.'s book "All Our Yesterdays"; Fred Galvin submitted cites from the 1969 publication of "All Our Yesterdays".
Fred Galvin submitted cites from the 1959 "Fancyclopedia II" by Dick Eney.
Malcolm Farmer submitted a 1977 cite from a column by Susan Wood, 'Propellor Beanie'.
Bee Ostrowsky submitted a 2003 cite from Joe Haldeman.
Last modified 2024-11-17 00:09:25
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