ish n.
an issue or edition in a series; spec. an issue of a magazine, esp. (in early use) a fanzine
SF Fandom
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Forrest J. Ackerman
Esperanto th language of ATLANTIS! What phantasy this? Only last ish U read, U say, this yr is 50th Anniversry of Esp—then how could it’v been th common tongue of th ancient legendary isle?
Onward Esperanto in Imagination! (vol. 1, iss. 2, whole no. 2) Nov. 13 -
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Milton Lesser
What strange part of your mind (?) made you reprint Morey’s pic from the third ish.
Letter in Planet Stories Spring 123/1 -
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In the winter ish, the stories were so good that it was pretty hard to classify them.
Letter in Planet Stories Spring 124/1 -
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Here are my criticisms of the Jan. ish.
We Guessed it Already in Startling Stories May 103/1 (letter) -
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Ray Nelson
I am rather busy and have formed the habit of rarely reading a whole ish at a sitting, but buying every ish and looking in the Vizi to find out which stories to read in my unread back numbers.
Praise! Praise! Praise! in Planet Stories Fall 104/1 (letter) -
George H. Scithers
Next ish: a guide to who is who of the Howard heroes in the centerspread.
in Amra July 2 -
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My sincerest apologies to Brother Ron Smith in the December ish.
in Worlds of If June 160/2 (letter) -
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Dan'l Danehy-Oakes
Having read the latest few ishes of
Amazing , the letters columns bring out an interesting controversy: Who are the greatest authors in thesf field?
Letter in Amazing Science Fiction Oct. 126/1
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At the rate I’m enjoying the November issue, the next ish should arrive before I finish the stories. What a nice balance, and plenty of food for thought in this issue. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Letter in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine 13/2
1992 Psychotronic (#13) Summer 60/1 (advt.)
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Bad Seed—Five ishes available @ $2 each; juvenile delinquent PB fanzine. Specify ish.
Research requirements
antedating 1937
Earliest cite
Forrest J. Ackerman
Research History
Fred Galvin submitted a 1949 cite from a letter to the editor of Planet Stories by Radell Faraday Nelson.Fred Galvin submitted a 1947 cite from a letter to the editor of Startling Stories by Edwin Drogin.
Fred Galvin submitted 1942 cites from letters to the editor of Planet Stories by Milt Lesser and A. Verity.
Fred Galvin submitted a 1967 cite from a letter to If magazine by Drake Maynard.
Imran Ghory submitted a cite from a 1978 article, "Star Trek Lives: Trekker Slang" by Patricia Byrd.
Bee Ostrowsky submitted a 1937 cite from Forrest J. Ackerman.
Bee Ostrowsky submitted a 1974 cite from Dan Oakes.
Bee Ostrowsky submitted a 1985 cite from Judy Wright.
Bee Ostrowsky submitted a 1992 cite from an ad for a zine in "Psychotronic".
Added to the OED as a new entry in September 2003, with an earliest cite of 1955. Updated Dec 2004 to include the 1942 citation.
Last modified 2024-11-17 00:09:25
In the compilation of some
entries, HDSF has drawn extensively on corresponding entries
in OED.