space helmet n.
a helmet worn as part of a spacesuit, to provide the wearer with a breathable atmosphere and to protect the head
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Manly Wade Wellman
He took the glass-fronted space helmet and adjusted it on Thiana’s head.
Disc-Men of Jupiter in Wonder Stories Sept. 544/1
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Joe Kennedy
Come around sometime in a flimsy space helmet, of the type supposedly worn by women of the future.
Letter in Startling Stories Summer 99/1
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Hal Clement
Bresnahan frowned thoughtfully, though the facial gesture was not very meaningful inside a space helmet.
Raindrop in Worlds of If May 12/2 -
David Brin
The beanie cap had become a space helmet and the whirling blades lifted him into the air.
Practice Effect .vi. 74
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William Barton
If I start to cry in a space helmet, I won’t be able to clear my vision and run the camera when the time comes.
Harvest Moon in Asimov’s Science Fiction Sept. 118
Research requirements
antedating 1931
Earliest cite
M. W. Wellman 'The Disc-men of Jupiter'
Research History
Fred Galvin submitted a 1946 cite from a letter by Joe Kennedy in Startling Stories. Fred Galvin submitted a 1947 cite from a reprint of Manly Wade Wellman's "The Disc-men of Jupiter"; Alistair Durie verified this in its 1931 magazine publication.Earliest cite in the OED: 1957
Last modified 2020-12-16 04:08:47
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