space exploration n.
the exploration of space
1878 Edison and Unseen Universe in Scientific American 24 Aug. 112/1
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A new agent or organ of scientific sense for space exploration has been given to the world in the tasimeter, by which it is possible not only to measure the heat of the remotest of visible stars, but, Mr. Edison believes, to detect by their invisible radiations stars that are unseen and unseeable!
1930 Air Wonder Stories Mar. 770
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Even small meteors present an ever present hindrance to space exploration.
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Whatever plans you had in mind for space exploration in this well-built one-man rocket, I shall change them.
Eighty-Five & Eighty-Seven in Amazing Stories Oct. 94/1 -
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L. Ron Hubbard
Space exploration was suddenly popular. Money was abruptly available for it. Plans of conquest of new worlds were formed properly, as they should be, by thinking governments and Man was no longer an insignificant nothing on a minor planet of a minor sun. Man was suddenly tall, suddenly the proprietor of uncounted worlds, possessor of his right, ruler of the Universe.
The Unwilling Hero in Startling Stories July 124/1 -
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L. Ron Hubbard
In fact, before space exploration had begun, the greater number of people treated it as a subject of laughter and even those who should have known better thought that it was a far, far cry and would be of dubious benefit.
Forbidden Voyage in Startling Stories Jan. 144/2 -
Thus, besides space-exploration (macrocosm), SF writers have journeyed into tiny atomic worlds (microcosm).
Travelers of Space in M. Greenberg Travelers of Space 19 -
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Isaac Asimov
To people who don’t see the purpose and the importance of space exploration the death of Moonmen in accidents is proof enough that the Moon is dangers, that its colonization is a useless fantasy.
Waterclap in World of If Apr. 24/2 -
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Allen Steele
Space exploration is not about going to Mars. Space exploration is about permanently establishing humankind as a spacefaring race.
Primary Ignition in Absolute Magnitude Fall–Winter 11/2 -
2005 New Yorker 4 Apr. 22/1
It’s hard not to feel like an excited, nerdy eleven-year-old when perusing the lots of this sale of objects from the history of space exploration.
Research requirements
antedating 1878
Earliest cite
Scientific American
Research History
Fred Galvin submitted a 1949 cite from Rene LaFayette's (L. Ron Hubbard) "Beyond the Black Nebula".Fred Galvin later submitted a cite from another "Rene LaFayette" story, "The Unwilling Hero", which was published two months earlier than "Beyond the Black Nebula".
Fred Galvin then submitted a further cite published six months earlier, from "Rene LaFayette"'s "Forbidden Voyage (Startling Stories, January 1949).
Fred Galvin submitted a 1951 cite for the form "space-exploration" from Samuel A. Peeples, David A Kyle, and Martin Greenberg's "A Dictionary of Science Fiction".
Jesse Sheidlower submitted a 1930 cite from an editorial note in Air Wonder Stories.
Bee Ostrowsky submitted an 1878 cite from Scientific American.
Earliest cite in OED2: 1957; updated to 1949 in OED3; updated to our 1930 cite in a later revision.
Last modified 2024-11-17 00:09:25
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