robotical adj.

of or relating to robots; (also) suggestive of a robot; mechanical


  • 1940 I. Asimov Strange Playfellow in Super Science Stories Sept. 75/1 page image Isaac Asimov bibliography

    The ‘talking Robot’ as a scientific achievement left much to be desired. It sprawled its unwieldy mass of wires and coils through twenty-five square yards, and every robotical function had been subordinated to vital attribute of speech. It worked,—and was in this respect quite a victory—but as yet, it could translate only the simpler and more concrete thoughts into words.

  • 1942 I. Asimov Robot AL76 Goes Astray in Amazing Stories Feb. 227/1 page image Isaac Asimov bibliography

    Austin Wilde, Robotical Engineer, turned to Sam Tobe and said, ‘Did you get anything out of the robot?’

  • 1942 I. Asimov Victory Unintentional in Super Science Stories Aug. 91/2 page image Isaac Asimov bibliography

    He [sc. a robot] added emphatically, with robotical loyalty and faith, ‘No human master could ever be like that.’

  • 1950 H. B. Fyfe The Well-Oiled Machine in Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Dec. 109 page image H. B. Fyfe bibliography

    Against truth, purity, or moral right you could sometimes prevail, he thought, but not against robotical logic.

  • 1956 K. Bulmer Mr. Culpeper’s Baby in Authentic Science Fiction Apr. 65/1 page image Kenneth Bulmer

    With robotical actions he prepared a frugal supper, going through the routine of accepted practice.

Research requirements

antedating 1940

Earliest cite

Isaac Asimov

Last modified 2021-12-08 11:18:54
In the compilation of some entries, HDSF has drawn extensively on corresponding entries in OED.