Subject: Dimensions

Other realms of existence: dimensions, planes, universes, etc.

Word Definition
alternate reality n. (1950) = alternate world n.
alternate universe n. (1950) = alternate world n.
alternate world n. (1944) one of many possible universes, which may have different physical laws or a different history than our own
alternative reality n. (1941) = alternate world n.
alternative universe n. (1944) = alternate world n.
alternative world n. (1943) = alternate world n.
continuum n. (1938) a universe; dimension n.
dimension n. (1896) a realm of existence coexistent with our own, but which cannot be perceived or accessed by ordinary means and which often possesses different physical laws; cf. alternate world n., parallel universe n., plane n.
dimensional adj. (1931) between dimensions; joining dimensions
gate n. (1931) a matter transmission device, esp. a portal or device by means of which something may be (instantaneously) transported to another point in space or time, or into another dimension or alternate universe; cf. slightly earlier gateway n.
gateway n. (1928) a portal allowing travel or communication between dimensions, alternate universes, etc.; = gate n.
hyperspace n. (1928) a dimension or other theoretical region that coexists with our own but typically has different physical laws, esp. such a region that allows travel through it such that the total journey occurs at faster-than-light speeds; cf. hyperdrive n.
hyperspatial adj. (1934) in or relating to hyperspace n.
multiversal adj. (1963) of or pertaining to a multiverse n. 1
multiverse n. 1 (1963) a space or realm of being consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one; cf. parallel universe n.
omniverse n. (1948) all universes collectively; cf. multiverse n. 1
other-dimensional adj. (1934) of or from another dimension
otherspace n. (1937) any of various types of space, as hyperspace or subspace, subject to different physical laws than our own; cf. realspace n.
parallel universe n. (1923) a universe conceived of as existing alongside our own, having many similarities to it but usually differing from it in some significant way (as having a different history or different physical laws)
parallel world n. (1931) a world that exists alongside or in addition to the known world; = parallel universe n.
plane n. (1927) = dimension n.
pocket universe n. (1946) a universe or reality completely separate from ours which is much smaller, may have different natural laws, and may be artificially created
probability world n. (1943) an alternate universe, viewed as one of many such which have differing probabilities of existing
realspace n. (1973) the ordinary universe; space that exists outside of hyperspace, wormholes, or other notional regions used for faster-than-light travel; cf. otherspace n.
subspace n. (1937) a physical space subject to different physical laws from our own, typically allowing motion or communication at speeds greater than the speed of light
tesseract n. (1962) in Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time: a means of travelling through space by manipulating the dimensions of spacetime
transdimensional adj. (1931) designating movement between dimensions; involving more than one dimension
verse n. (2002) the universe; (also) one of many universes in a multiverse; cf. earlier -verse suffix