Subject: Communications

Technologies for communicating over distances.

Word Definition
ansible n. (1966) an instantaneous communication device, not limited by the speed of light; cf. earlier ultraphone n.
commlink n. (1974) a communication link; a communication device
communicator n. (1905) a device used for communication, esp. a small personal device used for voice communication
ether radio n. (1930) a device for communicating over long distances through the ether; cf. sub-ether n.
gram v. (1940) = spacegram v.
message rocket n. (1933) a (small) rocket used to carry a message
spacegram n. (1931) a brief (written) message sent through space
spacegram v. (1931) transitive to send (a spacegram); also with recipient as object, and intransitive
space relay n. (1958) a relay station, as for a radio transmission, in space or on a moon
sub-ether n. (1930) a medium through which faster-than-light signals (or (rarely) objects) travel
subetheric adj. (1938) of, relating to, or involving a sub-ether n. (esp. with allusion to a means of faster-than-light communication)
subetherics n. (1948) a device which uses sub-ether (esp. with allusion to a means of faster-than-light communication)
subspace n. (1937) a physical space subject to different physical laws from our own, typically allowing motion or communication at speeds greater than the speed of light
suit phone n. (1931) a communications system in the helmet of a space suit; cf. suit radio n.
suit radio n. (1941) = suit phone n.
telescreen n. (1932) a video screen, esp. one forming part of a communications device
tight-beam n. (1930) a highly focused energy beam, esp. one that conveys communications; a device that sends such a beam; a message sent by such a device
tight-beam v. (1959) to send (esp. a message) by means of a tight-beam n.; to send to (someone) by means of a tight-beam n.; also intrans.
tight-beamed adj. (1951) of a message: sent by means of a tight-beam n.
ultraphone n. (1928) a communications device that transmits messages faster than the speed of light
ultrawave n. (1934) a communication system that transmits messages faster than the speed of light; (also) a wave phenomenon used by such devices
vidcall n. (1953) a call made on a videophone n.
videophone n. (1928) a telephone system that transmits video as well as audio; a telephone that incorporates a video screen on which the other party may be seen
videophone v. (1945) to call or speak to via videophone n.; to make a call on a videophone n.
videophonic adj. (1949) of or related to videophones or their use
vidscreen n. (1953) a screen capable of displaying a visual image; (also) a videophone n.
viewphone n. (1932) = videophone n.
visiphone n. (1915) = videophone n.
visiphone v. (1940) to use a visiphone to call or speak to someone