Subject: Star Trek

Terms used primarily in the Star Trek franchise, not including general SF terms not used in any notable way in Star Trek.

Word Definition
beam v. (1951) to travel through space as if along a beam of light or energy; to transport (someone or something) in this manner
Borg n. (1989) in the fictional universe of the Star Trek franchise: a group of cybernetically enhanced aliens linked in a hive mind n.
class M planet n. (1964) an Earth-type planet
cloak v. (1984) to make invisible or undetectable, esp. by means of a cloaking device n.
cloaking device n. (1968) a device or system for rendering something invisible or undetectable
holodeck n. (1987) chiefly in the fictional universe of the Star Trek franchise: a room providing a holographic environment
hypospray n. (1947) an injection device that forces a fine, high-pressure jet of fluid through the skin without breaking it
inertial damper n. (1992) a device or system that partially negates the effects of inertia, used especially to protect those on board a spaceship from the effects of rapid changes in acceleration
Klingon n. (1967) in the fictional universe of the Star Trek franchise: a member of a humanoid alien race, characterized by authoritarian brutality and a strict code of honor; (also) the language of this race, now widely studied as an artificial language
Kobayashi Maru n. (1982) in the Star Trek universe: a training exercise in which a cadet commanding a ship must rescue a civilian vessel in enemy territory, with any strategy leading to an unsuccessful outcome; (hence) any no-win situation, esp. one used as a test of character
K/S n. (1978) a subgenre of science fiction, originally published in fanzines and now esp. online, in which the Star Trek characters Kirk and Spock are portrayed as having a homosexual relationship; (later) any similar fiction in which a pair of (established) male characters is so portrayed
mind-meld n. (1968) a technique for the psychic fusion of two or more minds, permitting unrestricted communication or deep understanding; the act or an instance of doing this; cf. earlier mindlink n.
mindmeld v. (1976) to engage in a mind-meld (with)
mindmelding n. (1968) = mind-meld n.
nanite n. (1989) a nanomachine designed to build other nanomachines; a self-reproducing nanorobot
phaser n. (1966) in the fictional universe of the Star Trek franchise: a (usu. hand-held) weapon incorporating an energy beam whose phase can be altered to create different effects (such as stunning, disintegration, etc.) on the target
photon torpedo n. (1968) in the fictional universe of the Star Trek franchise: a ship-based weapon in which a destructive force is generated by a collision of matter and antimatter
prime directive n. (1947) a chief objective, goal, or requirement; a rule or law that overrides or guides other rules or laws; (specif.) a rule forbidding interference in the affairs of less developed planets or cultures
redshirt n. (1985) a character who is not portrayed in depth; (esp.) a character whose main plot function is to be killed
Romulan n. (1966) in the fictional universe of the Star Trek franchise: a member of a humanoid alien race
shuttlecraft n. (1953) = shuttle n.
stellar cartography n. (1883) a branch of cartography concerned with astronomical objects; (occas. cap.) an organizational unit or work area devoted to this; cf. astrogation n.
transporter n. (1940) a device for conveying people or things instantaneously from one place to another, esp. a machine which converts matter into energy, individual atoms, information, etc., and transmits it in this form to another location where it is reconstituted; = matter transmitter n.
trekker n. (1967) an admirer of the U.S. television programme Star Trek
trekkie n. (1968) an admirer of the U.S. television programme Star Trek
tribble n. (1967) in the fictional universe of the Star Trek franchise: a species of small, furry, featureless alien
tricorder n. (1966) in the fictional universe of the Star Trek franchise: a medium-sized hand-held device used for data sensing, analysis, and recording
Vulcan n. (1966) in the fictional universe of the Star Trek franchise: a member of a humanoid alien race, characterized by strictly logical and rational thinking and the suppression of normal human emotions; (hence) a person regarded as having similar characteristics
Vulcan mind meld n. (1968) = mind-meld n.
Vulcan nerve pinch n. (1968) a one-handed pinch delivered (chiefly by Vulcans) to the base of a person’s neck that immediately renders the victim unconscious
warp speed n. (1952) a faster-than-light speed, attained by a spaceship with a propulsion mechanism capable of manipulating space-time; (also, in extended use) an extraordinarily high speed