Newest Quotations
Word | Quotation | Date Added |
datasphere n. | 2016 | Obelisk 26 We’re like data miners ourselves, Philmus. Penetrating the datasphere Earthshine inhabits. Masses of records of different kinds, decades thick.2025-02-08 |
MilSF n. | 2008 | in L. S. Carl & J. Helfers Vorkosigan Companion 47 Properly speaking, milSF as a label should be applied to works whose central concern is an exploration of the military in action, doing its job (well or badly, depending).2025-02-06 |
MilSF n. | 2022 Library Journal Nov. 91 Witty and readable, it features an endearing cast of characters and fast-paced action and will have broad appeal to fans of sci-fi beyond its MilSF genre. | 2025-02-06 |
MilSF n. | 2007 | in Vector (#253) July–Aug. 23/1 (review of David Gunn’s Death’s Head) Sven is all-but-indestructible and his hard-luck background, hard-bitten attitude and devotion to his squad draw on the blandest of mil-sf stereotypes. [Ibid.] Violence is a given in this type of mil-sf.2025-02-06 |
MilSF n. | 1994 | Re: Military SF in rec.arts.sf.written (Usenet newsgroup) 9 Dec. My nominee for best MilSF? (Glad you asked) The Men In the Jungle - Norman Spinrad.2025-02-06 |
MilSF n. | 2017 | Forged in Blood 380 Kacey Ezell is an active duty USAF helicopter pilot. When not beating the air into submission, she writes mil SF, SF, fantasy, and horror fiction.2025-02-06 |
military SF n. | 2006 | On Books in Asimov’s Science Fiction June 137/2 Morgan’s stylish adventure fiction combines tropes of military SF and cyberpunk, with tough, cynical protagonists carrying on sharp struggles against long odds.2025-02-06 |
military SF n. | 1993 | in Dragon Magazine Sept. 54/1 Elizabeth Moon’s newest novel finds her turning from medieval fantasy to military SF, if a rather genteel grade of the latter.2025-02-06 |
military SF n. | 2013 | If the Formics Love Their Children Too in O. S. Card Ender’s World 260 There was a lot of fear in the world at that time, and Ender’s Game dropped brilliantly into that pond. It completes what I think of as the Holy Trinity of military SF books written during the Cold War, standing alongside Heinlein’s Starship Troopers and Haldeman’s The Forever War.2025-02-06 |
military SF n. | 2005 | in Washington Post (Book Review section) 13 No branch of the genre owes more to Heinlein than military sf, of which there is currently a plethora, perhaps reflective of the zeitgeist…. John Scalzi’s Old Man’s War (Tor, $23,95) adds a special riff to the formula.2025-02-06 |
military SF n. | 1978 | in Science Fiction Review (#28) Nov.–Dec. 25/2 (review of Bob Shaw’s Who Goes Here?) What he was, is, and becomes is the frame on which the book is strung. And in the stringing sharp satiric needles are stuck into military sf, satires of military sf, nicotine addicts, godlike superhuman police entities, [etc.].2025-02-06 |
military SF n. | 1987 | The Fantastic Battlefield in Amazing Stories Jan. 60/2 The Cold War pushed military SF one way. The Vietnam War pushed it in the opposite direction. [Ibid.] The abuse of technology in the Vietnam War and the ecology movement also affected technological speculation in military SF. [Ibid. 61/2] Whatever definitions one uses, current military SF is stronger at the tactical level than at the strategic.2025-02-06 |
military SF n. | 2023 | The Reference Library in Analog Science Fiction & Fact Nov.–Dec. 201/2 I geared up for a military SF story filled with scenes of hard-fought combat against implacable foes.2025-02-06 |
military SF n. | 1997 Books Received in Interzone (#118) Apr. 64/1 As the code word ‘honor’ in the title reveals, it’s miltary sf, by a writer with 20 years’ experience in the U.S. Marine Corps. | 2025-02-06 |
military science fiction n. | 1988 | in Thrust Fall 21/1 My next series could be identified as military science fiction. The first book will be about Alexander the Great.2025-02-03 |
military science fiction n. | 2006 | On Books in Asimov’s Science Fiction Apr.–May 230/2 This is another science fiction novel of literary quality that…does partake of some of the attributes of space opera, and the sub-genre, if you want to call it that, of so-called military science fiction.2025-02-03 |
military science fiction n. | 2023 | The Reference Library in Analog Science Fiction & Fact May–June 201/2 One of the stranger trends in modern military science fiction has been watching how some of the tropes and mechanics common in first person shooters have started making their way into the genre. To name one example, the past couple years we’ve seen several works explore how the familiar gaming respawn mechanic would look applied to actual combat, removing death from the battlefield.2025-02-03 |
military science fiction n. | [1966 | in Commentary Jan. 81/1 (review of Seymour Melman’s Our Depleted Society) The ingenious, inventive minds that might have turned to the making of revolutions in social welfare and mass housing, or to more radical assaults on poverty, are instead wasting themselves either on the improvement of nuclear technology or the production of ‘military science fiction’ which is the specialty of the Rand Corporation, the Hudson Institute, the Institute of Defense Analysis, and other lesser fabricators of hurtful dreams.]2025-02-03 |
military science fiction n. | 1977 | H. G. Wells & Japanese Science Fiction in D. Suvin H. G. Wells & Modern Science Fiction 185 Shunroh Oshikawa, who wrote military science fiction, began publishing during the Russo-Japanese War, and had considerable influence, especially on the thinking of young people.2025-02-03 |
military science fiction n. | 1992 | in Amazing Stories Mar. 67 Few of the people who write military science fiction succeed in creating a real feel not only for high-tech battles, but also for the people involved. David Drake is one of those few.2025-02-03 |
extra-terrestial adj. | 1946 | Battle of the Gods in Amazing Stories Sept. 92/1 Suddenly with the force of a physical blow the realization came to him that of course there would be extraterrestial entities of incredible age and power, against whom he would be as a child. [Ibid.] 94/1 ‘Are you an extra-terrestial being or just a new development of George’s?’ asked Arny, the mockery in his voice now undisguised.2025-01-30 |
extra-terrestial adj. | 1954 | Final Curtain in Nebula Science Fiction Oct. 60 Mass hysteria caused the people to believe they saw space vessels in the sky—flying saucers. Why were they so willing to believe? Because the literature of the day had made them grow accustomed to the possibility of extra-terrestial life.2025-01-30 |
extra-terrestial adj. | 1982 | Things to Come in Starburst (#43) Mar. 7/3 A new science fiction movie has opened in France. I think. It’s all about this cuddly, not to say fat extra-terrestial alien invading the lives of a couple of old, very old Frenchmen.2025-01-30 |
extra-terrestial adj. | 1965 | Supercity in New Worlds July 93 It has seeped back over the space routes, like a thousand other extra-terrestial words, to become a temporary or integral part of our ever-expanding vocabulary.2025-01-30 |
extra-terrestial adj. | 1938 | in Science Digest July21/1 There are several indications that human advance comes in long undulations of progress and recession, and that these waves are truly biologic and based on some extra-terrestial force affecting man.2025-01-30 |
extra-terrestial adj. | 1877 | On the Metals Which Accompany Iron in Chemical News (vol. 35, no. 914) 1 June 226/2 It may throw some doubt on the extra[-]terrestial origin of certain irons supposed to be meteoric.2025-01-30 |
extra-terrestial adj. | 1940 | Impossible Highway in Thrilling Wonder Stories Aug. 87/2 Like a puppet controlled by extra-terrestial strings, Nelson shifted his burden dexteriously [sic] around to face him.2025-01-30 |
extra-terrestial adj. | 1868 Meteoric Astronomy in New Englander Jan. 9 Meteorites, Fireballs, and Shooting-stars…now are known to come to us, all of them from regions extra-terrestial, and some of them from the remotest depths of space. | 2025-01-30 |
extra-terrestial adj. | 1959 | The Krishna Stories in New Frontiers (vol. 1, no. 1) Dec. 3 Teaching children to read by the sight-reading method may or may not make good readers of them, but it makes them utterly intolerant of words whose shapes they don’t recognize. This puts the author of extra-terrestial romances on the spot. If he calls his Martians Smith and Brown he is ridiculous, but if he calls them Thims and Nworb the readers fidget at the sight of strange letter-combinations.2025-01-30 |
extra-terrestial adj. | 1993 DarkSide Apr. 66/1 (advt.) Something Else is the club for admirers of all extra terrestial lifeforms. Free membership. | 2025-01-30 |
extra-terrestial adj. | 2011 | Submergence 157 He felt that the search for extraterrestial life was compromised by surface chauvinism: it looked only on the outside of planets, moons and rocks, not deep in the cracks where it was more likely to be.2025-01-30 |
extra-terrestial adj. | 1856 The Plurality of Worlds in Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature Jan. 38/2 Astronomers of every grade are at issue with the advocate of extra-terrestial [in original text: extra-terrestrial] chaos. Every one who has made the planetary discs objects of close contemplation, has discerned in all of them features that can be due to nothing else than gaseous and vaporous coverings. | 2025-01-30 |
extraterrestrial adj. | 1938 | Hotel Cosmos in Astounding Science-Fiction 145/2 Few extra[-] terrestrial creatures possessed the natural capacity to reproduce the sounds of human speech.2025-01-30 |
extraterrestrial adj. | 1929 | Stellar Missile in Science Wonder Stories Nov. 504/1 I do not wish to pose as an expert on the subject of extra-terrestrial matters. I am what you might call an amateur in the affairs of the heavens.2025-01-30 |
space cadet n. | 1941 | Buck Rogers, 25th Century, A.D. in Progress-Bulletin (Pomona, CA) 18 July 3/1 (cartoon caption) Space cadets wanted for Buck Rogers Rocket Rangers!2025-01-27 |
space cadet n. | 2020 | Birds of a Feather in Analog Science Fiction & Fact Jan.–Feb. 154/1 Refusing to give up, Frank had found an end run around the SA veto: the Rocket Club, an association of grad-student space cadets in the Aerospace Department.2025-01-27 |
space cadet n. | 1972 | Zero Gee in H. Ellison Again, Dangerous Visions 573 ‘How does an Air Force captain get into the space cadets?’ ‘The same way everything happens—you’re in a certain place at a certain time. They told me I was going to be an astronaut.’2025-01-27 |
space cadet n. | 1992 | in Interzone (#63) Sept. 62/2 Extremely rich young space cadet Sam Houston Kelligan defies his billionaire dad…to join the eight-strong first expedition to Mars.2025-01-27 |
sfnal adj. | 2020 | Gates, Galaxies & Globalization: Stargate SG-1 & Science Fiction in the Digital Age in Foundation (#135) 45 Thus, throughout the first few years of SG-1, processes we take for granted nowadays such as conducting ‘a timeline Boolean search’ (a straightforward search engine query employing Boolean operators such as ‘AND/OR’) are depicted as so unbelievable that they could be little else but sfnal in nature.2025-01-26 |
robotic adj. | 1927 Daily Olympian (Washington) 10 Nov. 2/2 LA COSTE INVENTS ROBOTIC OPPONENT…. In preparing for his defeat of ‘Big Bill’ Tilden last August, Rene La Coste had a mechanical accomplice, a unique machine of his own invention…. This tennis robot can be operated by turning a handle or by the use of an electric motor. | 2025-01-26 |
robotic adj. | 1981 | House of If in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine 13 Apr. 134 The gates opened; the robotic guard with which I had exchanged psychotronic images sped out.2025-01-26 |
robotic adj. | 1948 | Robot Factories in Amazing Stories May 109/2 Everything from a screw to an airplane may eventually be built in a man[-]less completely robotic factory!2025-01-26 |
neutronium n. | 2012 | Noumenon in Asimov’s Science Fiction Sept. 59 So it isn’t a black hole…. And I don’t think it’s stabilized neutronium or some kind of strangelet stew either.2025-01-25 |
neutronium n. | 1927 | Incredible Facts in Amazing Stories Jan. 877/1 Scientists now have a substance called ‘Neutronium’, which we know exists in nature. This material weighs 60 million tons per cubic inch…. Neutronium is four trillion times as dense as water.2025-01-25 |
terrestial adj. | 1982 | Cherry Jubilee in Asimov’s Science Fiction 18 Jan. 131 Did you hear about Vera Oussenko? They’ve got her locked up. They’re not even going to let her off on Mars. Straight back to the Terrestial USSR.2025-01-24 |
terrestial adj. | 1973 Life on Mars in Vertex June 12/3 The composition of clouds associated with the high Martian areas…were identified with ice crystals, analogous to terrestial cirrus clouds. | 2025-01-24 |
sapient n. | 1958 | Letter in Space Journal (vol. 1, no. 4) 54/1 We hold that any extraterrestial organisms likely to be of great interest to most human beings must employ this same adaptive mechanism. Otherwise we would be unable to communicate with them…. We propose calling such organisms sapients…. They are frequently called sentient beings, but this fails to distinguish them from, for example, earthly cows. Sapients seems to us both simple and clear.2025-01-23 |
sapient n. | [1955 | Kill Me This Man in New Worlds (#31) Jan. 52 There had been two races on Mars when man came—one simple, strong—yet violent. One wise, hardy, yet kindly…. ‘You are one of the Sapients—one of the Wise Ones.’]2025-01-23 |
stun-gun v. | 1970 | Star Rogue 77 I didn’t feel like being stungunned again, so en route I had tinkered with my mindlock and made it opaque to the frequency of a neuronic weapon.2025-01-21 |
stun-gun v. | 2002 | The Wake of the Crimson Hawk in B. M. Thomsen & M. H. Greenberg Oceans of Space 164 ‘Let’s slip inside.’ Within the academy, after Silvera had stungunned two staff members, they located the Dean of the training school.2025-01-21 |
stun-gun v. | 2016 | Shadow of Victory xxx. 293 Her damned dog was the only survivor—the bastards just stun-gunned it!2025-01-21 |
stun-gun v. | 1949 | Lost Ulysses in Astounding Science Fiction May 121/2 Ship guards poured out, stun-guns in their hands. The loudspeakers roared: ‘Stop this fighting! Throw down your weapons.’… The guards…stun-gunned anyone who resisted.2025-01-21 |
stun-gun v. | 1956 | The Give-Away Worlds in Authentic Science Fiction Monthly Aug. 32/1 A couple of uniformed police stun-gunned a man and carried him out.2025-01-21 |
stun-gun v. | 1992 | TekLords 221 Kneeling beside the big man he’d stungunned, he started searching him.2025-01-21 |
stun-gun v. | 1981 | The Robot in the Closet 156 ‘You stungunned some policemen?’ ‘Only five of them.’2025-01-21 |
science fiction adj. | 1911 Inter Ocean (Chicago) 11 Nov. 5/5 A COLUMBUS OF SPACE (by Garrett P. Serviss. D. Appleton & Co., New York. Illustrated, $1.50) — This is a science-fiction tale for boys, written in Jules Verne’s fashion. He who is the hero of the story, by the power of ‘inter-atomic energy,’ sails into space in a queer airship he’s constructed, and with his companion lands on Venus. Then there is enough of lively action. Fierce giants with white saucer eyes and most beautiful Amazons, and monsters of the prehistoric sort, and dangers of several varieties, provide it. Boys will enjoy the story, which has four full page pictures in colors. | 2025-01-15 |
science fiction adj. | 2005 | Interlocutions in Interzone (#197) Mar.–Apr. 28/1 (review) He manages to turn an exciting, well-written science fiction mystery into an evocative and often profound exploration of the collective human psyche.2025-01-15 |
science fiction adj. | 1994 | Craft of Writing Science Fiction That Sells ii. 6 Science fiction stories are those in which some aspect of future science or high technology is so integral to the story that, if you take away the science or technology, the story collapses.2025-01-15 |
science fiction adj. | 2014 | Everybody Out in What If? 153 There are a bunch of science fiction movies where, because of pollution, overpopulation, or nuclear war, humanity abandons Earth.2025-01-15 |
science fiction adj. | 1930 The Reader’s Corner in Astounding Stories July 134/1 We admit, right off, that some splendid Science Fiction stories have been published in the past—but are those now being printed in any way inferior to them? | 2025-01-15 |
science fiction adj. | 1940 | Above the Average in Super Science Stories Sept. 4/1 (letter) I have been looking for a long time for a science fiction magazine which is above the average in both plot and presentation. In this magazine I believe I have found what I want.2025-01-15 |
science fiction adj. | 1929 | in Science Wonder Stories June 5/1 I started the movement of science fiction in America in 1908…. At that time it was an experiment. Science fiction authors were scarce.2025-01-15 |
science fiction adj. | 1959 | Human Thought: New Orientation Due to Automatism in Diogenes Sept. 90 The installation of robots…in front of each of our machines would be possible, probably spectacular, and certainly very ‘science fiction,’ but totally absurd.2025-01-15 |
science fiction adj. | 1984 | Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Speculative Feminist in Aurora Summer 11/1 I’ve been thinking about Charlotte Perkins Gilman as I get ready to coordinate a science fiction workshop for the writers’ conference now attached to the 10th annual National Women’s Music Festival.2025-01-15 |
science fiction adj. | 1973 Worlds of If Apr. (back cover) (advt.) As a member you’ll be offered other equally exciting books—to build your own award-winning science fiction library—at a fraction of the regular bookstore cost. | 2025-01-15 |
sf adj. | 1993 | Letter in Science Fiction Age Jan. 8/2 Yet you’re planning to feature fantasy also. Mistake—S.F. fans don’t really want fantasy, or else they'd request it.2025-01-15 |
sf adj. | 1929 Science Wonder Stories June 92/3 [In a list of proposed titles for a science-fiction magazine:] The S.F. Magazine. (Science-Fiction). | 2025-01-15 |
sf adj. | 1931 | Not Many Likes in Astounding Stories Nov. 278/2 (letter) There must be some adventure and romance in the real S.F. stories, but good science must be mixed in it. [Ibid. 279/1] You must have more science in the stories if you want to make a real S.F. magazine out of Astounding Stories.2025-01-15 |
sf adj. | 1940 Correspondence Corner in Amazing Stories June 140 Would like to correspond with S-F fans between 15 and 18…. Would like to trade or sell S-F magazines. | 2025-01-15 |
sf adj. | 1950 | Letter in Astounding Science Fiction Mar. 156/2 I blinked twice…in wonder that you had succeeded in getting so many of the top authors in the whole SF field into one issue.2025-01-15 |
sf adj. | 1965 Growing Pains—And Pleasures in Worlds of If Aug. 4/2 (editorial) It seems to be the nature of the beast that the longer sf stories are usually more fun to read than the short ones. | 2025-01-15 |
sf adj. | 2017 | in Locus Mar. 54/1 The New Yorker has a real SF story in the January 16 issue, albeit one that is pretty overtly using its SF elements to help illuminate a somewhat cynical look at a pretty bog-standard corporate raider trying to achieve redemption.2025-01-15 |
sf adj. | 2005 | in Interzone (#197) Mar.–Apr. 4/2 Worldcon is the place to be. It is the sf industry’s premiere networking event.2025-01-15 |
sf adj. | 1977 | in We can Remember It for you Wholesale (1994) 493 I used to dig in the garden, and there is nothing fantastic or ultradimensional about crab grass…unless you are an sf writer, in which case pretty soon you are viewing crab grass with suspicion.2025-01-15 |
sf adj. | 1991 Locus Nov. 5/3 We’re using more and more speculative non-fiction from sf writers. | 2025-01-15 |
sci-fi n. | 1956 | Letter in Infinity Science Fiction Feb. 124/1 November, 1955: The Star by today’s greatest British exponent of sci-fi is featured in the first issue of Infinity.2025-01-15 |
sci-fi n. | 1986 | Science Fiction Versus Sci-Fi in Asimov’s Science Fiction mid-Dec. 178/2 Much science fiction and fantasy fails literarily because it is infected with the vices, commercial strictures, and pulp conventions of ‘sci-fi’…and much criticism of SF…ignores the crucial distinction between ‘science fiction’ and ‘sci-fi’.2025-01-15 |
sci-fi n. | 1966 | Handy Phrase-Book in Fannish in Worlds of If Oct. 66/1 Time Magazine came up with a repellent neologism of their own a decade back…. They called it ‘sci-fi’—is nothing sacred?2025-01-15 |
sci-fi n. | 1980 | Book Reviews in Fantastic Science Fiction July 11/2 Rabkin is not one of those academic outsiders who takes a few days to read a couple of Hugo winners and then writes a treatise on fantasy and ‘sci-fi’.2025-01-15 |
sci-fi n. | 2019 | Broken Places & Outer Spaces viii. 57 Even before I began to write science fiction, though I didn’t know it, I was sci-fi. In those moments, my athleticism really was a superpower. Now, when I write about characters with abilities, the gift of flight, time travel, shape-shifting, I draw from my own experiences as an incredible athlete. And for these characters’ conflicts and limitations within the narrative, I draw from my experiences with and recovering from paralysis.2025-01-15 |
sci-fi n. | 2022 | Letter in Analog Science Fiction & Fact July–Aug. 207/1 The Science Fiction community likes to note (and promote) all those examples of where Sci-Fi has anticipated ‘real world’ developments long before they came into existence (rockets to the moon, etc).2025-01-15 |
sci-fi n. | 1955 | The Odd Genre in Worlds of If Dec. 2/2 I sometimes wonder how we struggled through the first 20 years of Scifi, we petrifying old pioneers, without knowing we were aficionados of a genre!2025-01-15 |
sci-fi n. | 1990 | Letter in Thrust Winter 30/3 Before long you could even find advertisements for hi fi camera film and hi fi reproductions of antique furniture. Hi fi became synonymous with everything that was cheap and had no relationship to genuine high fidelity equipment. Sci fi was just too much for me…and soon it became as meaningless as hi fi had been.2025-01-15 |
sci-fi n. | 1990 | Letter in Thrust (#35) Winter 28/3 Forry Ackerman…appears to miss the point of those who disdain the term ‘sci-fi’. There’s nothing wrong with ‘sci-fi’ as a word; indeed, it’s a very clever word, not least because it’s so easily transmutable into Greek (‘psi phi’). Full credit to Forry’s cleverness in inventing it. The problem is that somewhere early on the term became adopted as a constant (not just occasional, as Forry uses it) name for science fiction by people outside the field who knew not science fiction; a cognoscente’s in-joke for non-cognoscente.… The result of ‘sci-fi’ being used so heavily by people to whom science fiction meant bad monster movies was that ‘sci-fi’ has come to mean bad monster movies.2025-01-15 |
sci-fi n. | 1994 | Craft of Writing Science Fiction that Sells ii. 6 From here on, when I say science fiction, I mean stories the meet the definition above. Other areas of the field I will call SF. The term sci-fi, which most science fiction writers loathe, I will reserve for those motion pictures that claim to be science fiction but are actually based on comic strips. Or worse.2025-01-15 |
sci-fi n. | 2001 Science Fiction Chronicle Mar. 16/2 My wife makes a distinction between science fiction and sci fi. Sci fi is all over the TV networks and the movie theaters. But…what they are doing is basically the pornography of science fiction. They're showing the excitement of it without showing the rationale behind the excitement. There’s nothing in any science fiction film series or television which excites the reasoning powers. | 2025-01-15 |
sci-fi adj. | 2023 Analog Science Fiction & Fact July–Aug. 134/2 (biographical note for Jay Werkheister) He writes primarily hard science fiction, but isn’t above the occasional time travel or light-hearted sci-fi comedy. | 2025-01-15 |
sci-fi adj. | 1973 Worlds of If Apr. 1 (advt.) Just about every month, Battle Flag will contain sci-fi articles and even have a futuristic war board game enclosed. | 2025-01-15 |
sci-fi adj. | 1967 | Howling Day in Galaxy Science Fiction June 105/2 You have the makings of a nice little sci-fi pilot here.2025-01-15 |
slan shack n. | 1943 Slan Shack in En Garde (#6) June 2 Having settled to our own satisfaction that fans possess a mental superiority, and finding people of that sort much more congenial to have around, we set about devising a means to make such a thing possible. Slan Shack was the result. Perhaps you have heard of it. It does not exist yet, but may any month now. To elucidate, we plan to buy a seven to nine room house, and rent rooms to fans only. Thus we will gradually gather together under one roof a group of Slans. A good-sized room, perhaps in the basement, will be set aside for publishing activities. In a limited way, we will have a sort of perpetual convention. | 2025-01-02 |
slan shack n. | 1970 | Calling All Freaks in OSFan (#11) Sept. 24 There is no Slan Shack here, yet; but maybe, just maybe, with your help…we can establsih [sic] or launch one.2025-01-02 |
slan shack n. | 1966 | How to Live Like a Slan in Worlds of If Sept. 93/2 Also renowned for extravagant party-flinging was a slan shack called The Nunnery, a weird, roof-top residence on New York’s fashionable, exclusive Bowery. The previous tenants, it seemed, had been three girls.2025-01-02 |
slan shack n. | 1998 | On Books: the Edge of the Envelope in Asimov's Science Fiction June 137/1 Knight started, face it, as a callow fan, a hanger on, an inhabitant of a so-called ‘slan shack,’ an SF commune of the early 1940s.2025-01-02 |
slan shack n. | 2014 | Self-Help Supermen in Science Fiction Studies (vol. 41, no. 3) Nov. 529 This Slan Shack—and other similar fan houses—suggests that the true fan response to Slan lay not in its valorization of outsider status but in its utopian desire to organize a coherent new community.2025-01-02 |
slan shack n. | 1984 | The Anvil Chorus in Anvil (#32) Apr. 17 I suppose this is one of the hazards of living in a Slan Shack.2025-01-02 |
slan shack n. | 1944 | The Club Over Our Heads in Shangri-L'Affaires (#13) Apr. 9 Recent installation of a telephone has been a great convenience to the club for outgoing calls, as well as for members outside to contact the club at any time of day or night.… The biggest surprise call of them all was the Thursday night meeting that was interrupted (pleasurably) by a phone call from Slan Shack, in Battle Creek, Michigan. [Ibid. 10] Battle Creek calling LASFS! This is Slan Shack!2025-01-02 |
slan shack n. | 1958 | Natterings in Scottishe (#14) Mar. (unpaged) Last month I went over to the Lewisham slan-shack, and Sandy lent me a couple of Fapa mailings to get rid of me.2025-01-02 |
slan shack n. | 1965 | Remember Apa L, Grandpa? in Spirochete (#11) June 1 One fannish slan shack was run on Objectivist principles, and the smallest, weakest fan in the group ended up doing all the dishes and paying all the rent.2025-01-02 |
slan shack n. | 2006 | Pacificon I in LAcon IV Aug. 137/1 On my way to the Pacific, I managed to steal a few hours to visit with a couple of fans in Los Angeles at the Slan Shack near the old Bixel Street LASFS meeting room.… Slan Shack was still active, as was another fannish boarding house, Tendril Towers, across the street.2025-01-02 |
fanarchy n. | 1942 Zenith (#5) Apr. 105 To Hell with mutual admiration societies for the glorification of science fiction—with cliques insisting that science fiction is anything more than entertainment…. WE support FANARCHY—a free association of fans who reserve the right to heave half-bricks at the ju-ju of Science Fiction and refuse to heed the dictator of any insane societies. | 2024-12-30 |