Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction

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First date Word Definition
1885 telepath v. (1885) to transmit (a message, image, etc.) by telepathy; (also) to communicate with (a person) by telepathy; also intransitive; cf. telepathize v.
1887 planetquake n. (1887) seismic activity on the surface of a planet, especially one other than Earth
1888 intergalactic adj. (1888) situated between galaxies; of, pertaining to, or occupying the regions between galaxies
1888 Lunarite n. (1888) a native or inhabitant of the Moon; = Lunarian n.; Lunite n.
1888 skyhook n. 1 (1888) an imaginary device for attaching something to the sky
1889 speculative fiction n. 1 (1889) = science fiction n. 2; (sometimes spec.) hard science fiction n.
1889 telepath n. (1889) a person or being with the ability to use telepathy
1889 Terrestrial n. 1 (1889) a native or inhabitant of Earth; = earthling n.
1890 space journey n. (1890) a journey in space
1891 earthrise n. (1891) the rise of Earth above the horizon, as seen by an observer on (or in orbit around) the moon, or another planet; an instance of this
1892 worldbuilder n. (1892) a writer who engages in world-building n.
1894 somewhen adv. (1894) in time-travel contexts: another time; in or to another time
1894 telepathize v. (1894) = telepath v.
1894 time machine n. (1894) a device capable of transporting a person backwards or forwards in time n.
1894 time traveller n. (1894) one who travels through time n.
1894 time-travelling n. (1894) the activity of travelling into the past or future; hypothetical movement through time
1895 shapeshifting adj. (1895) pertaining to shapeshifting; that shapeshifts
1895 Wellsian adj. (1895) of, pertaining to, or resembling the ideas and writings of H. G. Wells, esp. in his science fiction, social comment, etc.
1896 antigravity adj. (1896) of or relating to something that negates or cancels the effect of gravity
1896 dimension n. (1896) a realm of existence coexistent with our own, but which cannot be perceived or accessed by ordinary means and which often possesses different physical laws; cf. alternate world n., parallel universe n., plane n.
1896 home planet n. (1896) = homeworld n.
1897 earthwoman n. (1897) a female native or inhabitant of Earth
1897 heat ray n. (1897) = ray n.
1897 Mercurian adj. (1897) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the planet Mercury or its inhabitants
1897 ray n. (1897) a beam of (destructive) energy, emitted by a ray gun or similar device
1897 science fiction n. 1 (1897) a work of science fiction n. 2
1898 disintegrator n. (1898) a weapon that disintegrates its target
1898 Earthward adv. (1898) toward Earth
1898 energy n. (1898) energy portrayed as something which can be produced in a particular form, such as a projectile, beam, or wave, and transferred (typically with destructive effect) to a body upon contact
1898 fleet n. (1898) = space fleet n.
1898 horror n. (1898) a genre intended to create a feeling of fear in the reader or viewer, especially one employing supernatural elements or monstrous creatures
1898 Martian n. 2 (1898) the language of Martians