Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction

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First date Word Definition
2007 timey-wimey adj. (2007) denoting a (complex) time-travel situation or story, esp. one characterised by time paradoxes
2008 grimdark n. (2008) a subgenre of (esp. fantasy) fiction characterized by a nihilistic, violent, and dystopian atmosphere or setting
2008 romantasy n. (2008) a subgenre that combines elements of romance and fantasy, esp. in featuring sexual relationships between humans and supernatural creatures
2009 cli-fi n. (2009) a subgenre of science fiction concerned with the effects of climate change
2017 hopepunk n. (2017) a subgenre of (esp. fantasy) fiction in which characters rebel against a challenging and esp. dystopian situation with optimism, kindness, or cooperation
2018 Africanfuturism n. (2018) Nnedi Okorafor’s term for: a subgenre of science fiction that heavily features elements of African history or culture; cf. Afrofuturism
2021 Torment Nexus n. (2021) a fictional dystopian invention that inspires or resembles an unwanted later real-world creation