Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction
Order by: alphabetical | chronological ( asc | desc )
First date | Word | Definition |
1876 | Sirian adj. (1876) | of or relating to the Sirius system or its inhabitants |
1874 | Venusian n. 1 (1874) | a native or inhabitant of the planet Venus |
1873 | Martian adj. (1873) | of or relating to the the planet Mars or its inhabitants |
1873 | scientific romance n. (1873) | proto-science fiction written in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (especially in Britain), exemplified by H.G. Wells; in later use, science fiction that is similar in style or approach; also, a work of this kind |
1872 | spaceward adv. (1872) | towards or in the direction of space |
1872 | Venusian adj. (1872) | of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the planet Venus or its inhabitants |
1871 | aircar n. (1871) | = aerocar n. |
1871 | earth people n. (1871) | natives or inhabitants of Earth; cf. earth person n. |
1871 | Terra n. (1871) | the planet Earth |
1870 | meteor storm n. (1870) | a particularly intense meteor shower, esp. occurring when the earth intercepts a meteor stream soon after the originating comet has passed; an intense encounter with a stream of meteors in space |
1870 | Neptunian n. 1 (1870) | a native or inhabitant of the planet Neptune |
1869 | Jovian n. 1 (1869) | a native or inhabitant of the planet Jupiter |
1868 | areography n. (1868) | the study or mapping of the planet Mars |
1868 | dystopian n. (1868) | one who advocates or describes a dystopia n. 2 |
1868 | Martian n. 1 (1868) | a native or inhabitant of the planet Mars; cf. earlier Marsian n. 1 |
1867 | asteroid belt n. (1867) | the toroidal region of space around a star in which most asteroid orbits occur |
1866 | time n. (1866) | time viewed as a medium through which travel into the past or future is hypothesized or imagined to be possible |
1864 | light-year n. (1864) | the distance light travels in one year |
1864 | shapechanging n. (1864) | the act of or ability to shapechange |
1861 | Earthian n. 1 (1861) | a native or inhabitant of Earth; = earthling n. |
1858 | earthling n. (1858) | a native or inhabitant of Earth |
1858 | Planet Earth n. (1858) | (without the), the earth, as distinct from the rest of the universe, esp. when considered as the planet on which humans live, or on which living organisms form an ecological system; the whole world |
1856 | extra-terrestial adj. (1856) | = extraterrestrial adj.; cf. terrestial adj. |
1856 | lightspeed n. 1 (1856) | the speed of light |
1855 | Jupiterian n. (1855) | a native or inhabitant of the planet Jupiter |
1854 | extraterrestrial adj. (1854) | existing or originating outside Earth or its atmosphere |
1853 | Marsian n. 1 (1853) | a native or inhabitant of the planet Mars; = Martian n. 1 |
1849 | earthman n. (1849) | a person (esp. a man) who is a native or inhabitant of Earth |
1849 | Neptunian adj. (1849) | of or relating to the the planet Neptune or its inhabitants |