Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction

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First date Word Definition
1981 Whoniverse n. (1981) the fictional universe used as the setting for the British television series Doctor Who; (also) any media, fandom, etc. connected to Doctor Who
1981 xenoanthropologist n. (1981) a person who studies alien cultures; a specialist in xenoanthropology n.
1982 cyberspace n. (1982) the notional environment within which electronic communication occurs, esp. when represented as the inside of a computer system; space perceived as such by an observer but generated by a computer system and having no real existence; a virtual reality environment
1982 gravitics n. 2 (1982) any of various devices making use of gravity or gravitational waves, as (a) sensors that use gravitational waves to detect objects in space; (b) a system that creates artificial gravity
1982 Kobayashi Maru n. (1982) in the Star Trek universe: a training exercise in which a cadet commanding a ship must rescue a civilian vessel in enemy territory, with any strategy leading to an unsuccessful outcome; (hence) any no-win situation, esp. one used as a test of character
1982 nowhen adv. (1982) (in time-travel contexts): in or at no time
1982 Whovian n. (1982) a fan of the British television series Doctor Who
1983 cryosuspension n. (1983) = cryostasis n.
1983 filking n. (1983) among science fiction and fantasy fans: the writing or performing of filk songs
1983 jump pilot n. (1983) one who pilots a spaceship through a jump n.
1983 power-up n. (1983) in a video game: an item that immediately provides temporary extra abilities to a player
1983 Singularity n. (1983) usually with the: the point at which technological innovation radically transforms society, esp. the point at which artificial general intelligence outpaces human intelligence; the transition to posthumanity
1983 teleport n. 3 (1983) an act of teleportation n.
1984 cloak v. (1984) to make invisible or undetectable, esp. by means of a cloaking device n.
1984 cyberpunk n. 1 (1984) a subgenre of science fiction typified by a bleak, high-tech setting in which a lawless subculture exists within an oppressive society dominated by computer technology
1984 cyberpunk n. 2 (1984) an author of, or protagonist in, cyberpunk n. 1
1984 dirtsider n. (1984) a person who lives on a planet (in contrast to a person who lives or frequently travels in space)
1984 meat puppet n. (1984) the human body; a physical human being, esp. in contrast to virtual reality or artificial intelligence
1984 slash n. (1984) a subgenre of fiction, originally published in fanzines and now esp. online, in which characters who appear together in popular films or other media are portrayed as having a sexual (esp. homosexual) relationship
1984 Tardis-like adj. (1984) denoting something whose capacity is greater than is suggested by its exterior appearance
1984 threedy n. (1984) three-dimensional television or film
1985 anime n. (1985) a Japanese animated film or television programme, drawn in a meticulously detailed style, usually featuring characters with distinctive large, staring eyes, and typically having a science-fiction or fantasy theme, sometimes including violent or sexually explicit material; this genre of entertainment
1985 gengineering n. (1985) = genetic engineering n.
1985 posthumanist adj. (1985) of or related to posthumanism n.
1985 posthumanity n. (1985) the society or condition of posthumans
1985 redshirt n. (1985) a character who is not portrayed in depth; (esp.) a character whose main plot function is to be killed
1985 shared world n. (1985) a fictional setting in which multiple authors set their stories, esp. one created for this purpose
1985 -verse suffix (1985) (used to form nouns denoting the fictional universe used as the setting of a series (or occasionally a work), typically in combination with the title, main character, or creator of the series); (also) any media, fandom, etc. connected to a series; cf. slightly earlier Whoniverse n.
1986 avatar n. (1986) a graphical representation of a person in a computer-generated environment (as a game)
1986 condom n. (1986) the milieu of (usually science fiction) conventions
1986 gripping hand n. (1986) on the gripping hand: used to introduce a third point of view, fact, case, etc., that contrasts with two previous statements
1986 mecha n. 1 (1986) chiefly in anime or manga: a large combat robot having humanoid form, typically controlled by an occupant
1986 mindfood n. (1986) a substance taken as food or drink containing chemicals which increase one’s mental ability