Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction

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Word Definition
Mary Sue n. (1976) a writer who inserts an idealized version of themselves in their own fan fiction n.; such a story or character
materialize v. (1927) to appear in a (reconstituted) physical form after travelling through space or time by means of a matter transmitter or similar device
matrix n. (1976) with the: = cyberspace n.
matter transmission n. (1931) the transportation of material objects by a process analogous to radio transmission; cf. matter transmitter n.
matter transmitter n. (1931) a device for conveying matter over a distance by transforming it into energy or information, beaming this to another location, and reconstituting the original matter at the destination; cf. matter transmission n.
matter-transmitting adj. (1925) designating or relating to a matter transmitter n.
matter transporter n. (1956) = matter transmitter n.; = transporter n.
meat puppet n. (1984) the human body; a physical human being, esp. in contrast to virtual reality or artificial intelligence
meatspace n. (1993) the physical world, in contrast to cyberspace or a virtual environment; cf. slightly earlier meat world n.
meat world n. (1992) = meatspace n.
mech n. (1938) = robot n.; (also) = mecha n. 1
mecha n. 1 (1986) chiefly in anime or manga: a large combat robot having humanoid form, typically controlled by an occupant
mecha n. 2 (1992) a genre, show, movie, etc. featuring mecha n. 1
megayear n. (1935) a million years
men in black n. (1956) dark-clothed men of unknown identity or origin, who supposedly visit those who have encountered a UFO or alien in order to prevent them from publicizing their experience
Mercurian n. (1698) a native or inhabitant of Mercury
Mercurian adj. (1897) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the planet Mercury or its inhabitants
message rocket n. (1933) a (small) rocket used to carry a message
metaverse n. (1992) a computer-generated environment within which users can interact with one another and their surroundings, a virtual world; (more generally) the notional environment in which users of networked computers interact; = cyberspace n.
meteor storm n. (1870) a particularly intense meteor shower, esp. occurring when the earth intercepts a meteor stream soon after the originating comet has passed; an intense encounter with a stream of meteors in space
micro book n. (1932) a book having the text reproduced at a reduced size by the use of microphotography or microprinting
midspace n. (1900) outer space, viewed as an area in its own right
midspace adj. (1931) occurring in midspace n.
military science fiction n. (1977) a subgenre of science fiction that focuses on the military and warfare, esp. set in outer space or on other worlds
military SF n. (1978) = military science fiction n.
MilSF n. (1994) = military science fiction n.
mind control n. (1902) the ability to control another person’s thoughts or actions telepathically
mind-control v. (1970) to use mind control on (a person); to control or influence (a person) telepathically
mind-controlled adj. (1938) of a device or a being: controlled by another person’s thoughts
mind-controlling adj. (1929) of a device or a being: having the ability to control a person’s thoughts or actions; (also) of or relating to mind control n.
mindfood n. (1986) a substance taken as food or drink containing chemicals which increase one’s mental ability
mindlink n. (1954) a telepathic connection between people; cf. mind-meld n.
mind-meld n. (1968) a technique for the psychic fusion of two or more minds, permitting unrestricted communication or deep understanding; the act or an instance of doing this; cf. earlier mindlink n.