Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction

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First date Word Definition
1932 micro book n. (1932) a book having the text reproduced at a reduced size by the use of microphotography or microprinting
1932 moon base n. (1932) an outpost on a moon, esp. on Earth’s Moon
1932 needle gun n. (1932) a gun that produces a very narrow beam of energy; (also) a gun that fires small slivers of metal
1932 outworld adj. (1932) on or from another planet, esp. one remote from the homeworld or far from a solar system’s star
1932 planetary engineer n. (1932) one who engages in planetary engineering n.
1932 planet-wide adj. (1932) extending over or affecting an entire planet
1932 port n. (1932) = spaceport n.
1932 science fantasy n. 2 (1932) = imaginative fiction
1932 science fictional adj. (1932) being, pertaining to, or characteristic of science fiction n. 2
1932 scientifilm n. (1932) a science fiction movie
1932 soma n. (1932) in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World: a narcotic drug which produces euphoria and hallucination, distributed by the state in order to control the population by promoting content and social harmony
1932 space armor n. (1932) = space suit n., esp. such a suit designed to protect the wearer during combat in space
1932 spaceboot n. (1932) footwear intended for use in outer space or on other worlds
1932 space colony n. (1932) a group of beings living in a space station or on a world other than their motherworld; the structure or location of such a group
1932 space drive n. (1932) a propulsion system for a spaceship; cf. star drive n.
1932 space force n. (1932) a branch of the military that acts in outer space
1932 space-going adj. (1932) that travels in space
1932 space gun n. 2 (1932) a weapon used in by people in space; a toy handgun of a style imagined to be used by space travellers
1932 spaceman n. (1932) a person (usu. a man) who travels in space, an astronaut; (also) a person or being from another planet
1932 spacemanship n. (1932) skill or experience in piloting a spacecraft
1932 space pilot n. (1932) a pilot of a spaceship
1932 space-tanned adj. (1932) having a space tan n.; cf. space-burned adj.
1932 spacewrecked adj. (1932) wrecked in space
1932 speeder n. (1932) any of various small personal vehicles, typically travelling on or very close to the ground
1932 spy ray n. (1932) a ray that allows a user to detect sound, images, or thoughts at a distant location or through a barrier
1932 star liner n. (1932) = space liner n.
1932 starway n. (1932) an established route between stars; usu. pl. starways the realm of space travel in general; cf. spaceway n.
1932 superpower n. (1932) a superhuman ability, esp. as possessed by a superhero; an ability beyond what is possible based on scientific laws
1932 telescreen n. (1932) a video screen, esp. one forming part of a communications device
1932 Titanese adj. (1932) of or related to the Saturnian moon Titan or its inhabitants; cf. Titanian adj.
1932 Titanese n. (1932) a native or inhabitant of the Saturnian moon Titan; (also) a language used on Titan or by Titanese; cf. Titanian n.
1932 viewphone n. (1932) = videophone n.
1932 visiscreen n. (1932) = viewscreen n.
1932 Vulcanite n. (1932) a native or inhabitant of Vulcan (a hypothetical planet orbiting nearer to the sun than Mercury)
1932 warp v. (1932) (intransitive) to travel through space by means of a space warp n.; (transitive) to cause to move through space, to another dimension, etc., by means of a warp
1933 aspace adv. (1933) in space