Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction

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First date Word Definition
1967 transhuman adj. (1967) having the qualities or characteristics of transhumans
1967 trekker n. (1967) an admirer of the U.S. television programme Star Trek
1967 tribble n. (1967) in the fictional universe of the Star Trek franchise: a species of small, furry, featureless alien
1966 ansible n. (1966) an instantaneous communication device, not limited by the speed of light; cf. earlier ultraphone n.
1966 clone n. (1966) any member of a hypothetical population of artificially produced, identical beings; (also) a duplicate of a living person
1966 corpsicle n. (1966) a cryogenically frozen person; someone in cold sleep n.; (also, occasionally) a frozen corpse
1966 cryonics n. (1966) the practice or technique of deep-freezing the bodies of people who have died, usu. of an incurable disease, with the aim of reviving them once a cure has been found
1966 Cyberman n. (1966) in the British television series Doctor Who: one of a race of emotionless cybernetic humanoids
1966 Dyson sphere n. (1966) an artificial structure in the form of a hollow shell surrounding a star, built esp. in order to capture the star’s energy output
1966 Earthsider n. (1966) a native or inhabitant of Earth
1966 holovision n. (1966) = tri-v n.
1966 Nebula n. (1966) any of several awards given annually by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America for excellence in science fiction and fantasy writing
1966 phaser n. (1966) in the fictional universe of the Star Trek franchise: a (usu. hand-held) weapon incorporating an energy beam whose phase can be altered to create different effects (such as stunning, disintegration, etc.) on the target
1966 Romulan n. (1966) in the fictional universe of the Star Trek franchise: a member of a humanoid alien race
1966 skyhook n. 4 (1966) = orbital tower n.
1966 sophont n. (1966) an intelligent being
1966 spinward adv. (1966) in the direction that something (as a space station or a galaxy) is rotating
1966 sublight adv. (1966) at a speed below light-speed
1966 tricorder n. (1966) in the fictional universe of the Star Trek franchise: a medium-sized hand-held device used for data sensing, analysis, and recording
1966 Vulcan n. (1966) in the fictional universe of the Star Trek franchise: a member of a humanoid alien race, characterized by strictly logical and rational thinking and the suppression of normal human emotions; (hence) a person regarded as having similar characteristics
1965 autodoc n. (1965) a system providing automated medical care
1965 Belter n. (1965) a native or resident of an asteroid belt n.
1965 filksinging n. (1965) the singing of filk songs
1965 galactographer n. (1965) one who maps the physical structure of galaxies; an expert in galactography n.
1965 lasgun n. (1965) = laser gun n.
1965 lox n. (1965) plural of loc
1965 ramscoop n. (1965) a space propulsion method that uses electromagnetic fields at the front of a spaceship to gather interstellar material for fuel for a fusion-powered space drive
1965 sentient n. (1965) an intelligent being
1965 shaggy god story n. (1965) a story in which a religious (esp. biblical) myth is explained as having a science fictional origin
1965 transhumanity n. (1965) the quality or condition of being transhuman; also, transhumans collectively