Ron Goulart

Image of Ron Goulart
Ron Goulart

See first quotes from Ron Goulart

6 Quotations from Ron Goulart

cyborg n. 1973 R. Goulart Tin Angel 72 Everyone grows and matures…even a cyborg dog.
cyborg n. 1974 R. Goulart Stungun Slim in T. Carr Universe 4 101 I understand, Joshua. I hung around with a cyborg hooker on Barafunda who was the same way.
fantasist n. 1963 R. Goulart Yes Men of Venus in Amazing Stories July 73/1 Introductory note: let me begin by expressing my thanks to the executors of the Arthur Wright Beemis estate for choosing me to complete his unfinished stories, of which this is to be the first. Like so many others I have long been an admirer of the books of the venerable fantasist.
laser pistol n. 1973 R. Goulart Tin Angel iii. 22 He pushed the button which reclosed the landcar window, holstered his laser-pistol.
parallel universe n. 1982 R. Goulart Blockbuster in Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 148/1 ‘Is that where Lulu is going to be tonight?’ ‘Possibly. Or she may have decided to hop over to a parallel universe.’
superheroine n. 1960 R. Goulart Ella Speed in Fantastic Apr. 110/1 ‘Ella Speed’s just an everyday super heroine. You know, Ella Speed, the flash of the Forest.’ ‘The Champion of Jungle Justice,’ added Cap Bascom. ‘Sworn enemy of evil and champion of what is right and proper.’