Peter Nicholls

4 Quotations from Peter Nicholls
dystopic adj. | 1993 | Encyclopedia of Science Fiction 1293/1 Only HW would have written…an alternate history (featuring 4 alternate worlds) with time travel from a dystopic future, Amerindian Mound Builders, Aztec Invaders, ancient Greek merchants in power-driven boats and much more.
proto-science fiction n. | 1974 | Science Fiction & the Mainstream: Part 2: The Great Tradition of Proto Science Fiction in Foundation (vol. 5) Jan. 9 Briefly, the thesis is that modern science fiction continues a tradition of the artistic imagination which is very ancient…. I give fifteen important examples of ‘proto science fiction’.
sf-ish adj. | 1993 | Encyclopedia of Science Fiction xiv/1 In our treatment of authors (most of them writing after WWII) who make occasional use of sf devices…to propel plots set in an undated near future, we have been highly selective, for most of these books…do not reward any attempt to incorporate them as sf or sf-ish, though we have given entries to a few (e.g., Ian Fleming).
shared world n. | 1993 | Encyclopedia of Science Fiction p. xii/2 We have excluded very few sf authors who have solely written books tied to shared-world endeavours (like Star Wars or Star Trek).