John Varley

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John Varley

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4 First Quotations from John Varley

cryosuspension n. 1983 J. Varley Millennium xi. 139 At this stage his face was a simple cartoon, so ineptly drawn that Walt Disney must have been spinning in his cryo-suspension fluid.
cyborg v. 1976 J. Varley Bagatelle in Galaxy, Incorporating Worlds of If Oct. 16/2 Something always distracted me. So when I heard of this place where they would cyborg me and get rid of all that, I jumped at the chance.
cyborged adj. 1976 J. Varley Bagatelle in Galaxy, Incorporating Worlds of If Oct. 11/2 β€˜It’s a cyborged human connected to a bomb, probably a uranium device,’ he said. β€˜I've seen the design. It’s just like one that went off in Johannesburg three years ago. I didn’t know they were still making them.’
nearside n. 1974 J. Varley Picnic on Nearside in Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Aug. 101/2 They say that’s what drove people to the Farside: the constant reminder of what they had lost, always there in the sky. It must have been hard, especially to the Earthborn. Whatever the reason, no-one had lived on the Nearside for almost a century. All the original settlements had dwindled as people had moved to the comforting empty sky of Farside.