Ella Merchant

3 Quotations from Ella Merchant

Marsian n. 1 1893 A. I. Jones & E. Merchant Unveiling Parallel i. 11 I learned subsequently that all Marsians of taste are sparing of rich colors, as we are of gems, though certain classes indulge in extravagant and gaudy displays, recognizing no law but that which permits them to have and to do whatsoever they like.
Marsian n. 2 1893 A. I. Jones & E. Merchant Unveiling Parallel i. 25 I took one in my hand and flipped its leaves to show Severnius that I knew what a book was. He was delighted. He asked me, in a language which he and I had speedily established between ourselves, if I would not like to learn the Marsian tongue. I replied that it was what I wished above all things to do. We set to work at once. His teaching was very simple and natural, and I quickly mastered several important pi'inciples.
Marsian adj. 1893 A. I. Jones & E. Merchant Unveiling Parallel i. 18 I suspect that it requires a great deal of skill to construct a Marsian costume, whether for male or female. They are not altogether dissimilar; the women’s stuffs are of a little finer quality ordinarily, but their dress is not usually so elaborately trimmed as the men’s garb, which struck me as very peculiar.