Chan Davis

2 Quotations from Chan Davis

stef n. 1944 C. Davis Blitherings (#2) Summer 11 Now I certanly [sic] won’t deny that Campbell is a pretty sharp editor & has given us not only the most consistently good stef on the market but also a good deal of variety. [Ibid. 14] My gosh, what is this magazine coming to? I’v [sic] spent the last 3Β½ pp. talking about stef, of all things.
Titanian n. 1947 C. Davis Journey & Goal in Astounding Science Fiction May 111/1 When Jack judged they’d gone far enough to be safe, he called a halt. They cut toward the spaceport then, at the habitual loping five-meter stride that is the walk of the Titanian. Once Jack tripped on an unseen obstacle, but on Titan a fall hardly decreases your speed at all.