Miriam Allen deFord

Image of Miriam Allen deFord
Miriam Allen deFord

2 Quotations from Miriam Allen deFord

planetquake n. 1970 M. A. deFord Fun-Nee in Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Mar. 91/2 Nobody knew why he was laughing, but nobody could stop. It was a catharsis, a volcanic eruption, a planetquake, a tidal wave, all rolled into one. It swallowed tension and fear and prejudice and hatred.
timequake n. 1958 M. A. deFord Timequake in Fantasy and Science Fiction Dec. 54/1 At 8:04½ p.m. on Monday, April 16, 1979, there was a sudden timequake affecting all the Solar System. A fault in the space-time continuum, an old warp that had existed for billennia, abruptly slipped, and it instantly became 8:04½ a.m. again that same day in every time zone, with everything just as it had been that morning.