Brian Daley

Image of Brian Daley
Brian Daley

5 Quotations from Brian Daley

core n. 1985 B. Daley Requiem For a Ruler of Worlds viii. 117 I heard the Spicans are thinking about sending another expedition to the Core…. It'll take years and years.
impeller n. 1980 B. Daley Han Solo and the Lost Legacy xiii. 137 ‘Hot pursuit,’ answered Han. ‘No time to punch tickets, folks: stay gripped!’ He rammed up the impeller control, red-zoning the engine. The hover-raft shot out of the cave, nearly losing Bollux, who had been in the process of boarding. Badure and Chewbacca dragged him aboard.
spaceboat n. 1980 B. Daley Han Solo and the Lost Legacy xiv. 152 The spaceboat, twin to the one that had been destroyed in the city by the lighter, made a quick preliminary pass at the ridge, its chin pods spitting. Antipersonnel rounds threw out clouds of flechettes; Han could feel the craft’s afterblast as it darted by. He raised his head to see what damage it had done.
vibroblade n. 1979 B. Daley Han Solo's Revenge 59 Han identified it as some sort of vibroblade, perhaps a butcher’s tool or surgeon’s instrument that the weapons scanners would register as an industrial implement. It had been home-altered to include a large blade, and its haft was fitted with a bulkier power pack. The blade, half again as long as Han’s hand, was difficult to see, vibrating at an incredible rate. It would cut through flesh, bone, and most other materials with little or no resistance.
Wookiee n. 1979 B. Daley Han Solo’s Revenge i. 3 He waved and called a greeting to Chewbacca, whom he’d always liked. The Wookiee returned the wave offhandedly, booming a friendly welcome in his own tongue.