Charles Pellegrino
11 Quotations from Charles Pellegrino
commlink n. | 1999 | Star Trek Next Generation: Dyson Sphere ii. 43 ‘Lock closing, now,’ Data called from the Enterprise ’s comlink.
death ray n. | 1998 | Afterword in C. Pellegrino & G. Zebrowski Star Trek: Next Generation: Dyson Sphere (1999) 219 Riding an antimatter rocket is like riding a giant death ray bomb: you want to put as much distance as possible between yourself and the engine.
Dyson sphere n. | 1998 | Star Trek Next Generation: Dyson Sphere xii. 189 For the first time, the Dyson sphere really did look like a planet. It was as small as Earth now, and growing smaller with each passing second. The instruments suggested that it did not exist at all, except visually.
Klingon n. | 1999 | Star Trek Next Generation: Dyson Sphere ii. 29 The natural universe, as every Klingon knew, was itself a fearful antagonist.
shuttle n. | 1999 | Star Trek Next Generation: Dyson Sphere iv. 66 He managed it after two tries, and in a few minutes was ascending through low gravity, into the brightly lit shuttle compartment.
shuttlecraft n. | 1999 | Dyson Sphere (Star Trek: Next Generation) iii. 52 The interior of the shuttlecraft Balboa had seats suitable for humanoids as well as saddles for Hortas.
space travel n. | 1999 | Star Trek Next Generation: Dyson Sphere ix. 136 ‘And what was this hope?’… ‘Space travel. It’s an ancient dream for them.’
subspace n. | 1999 | Star Trek Next Generation: Dyson Sphere i. 3 The Federation had restricted their exploration of the Sphere entirely to surface mapping and long-range subspace scans.
tractor n. | 1999 | Star Trek Next Generation: Dyson Sphere ix. 139 Riker had a plan for beaming clusters of pulse engines into the holds of the shuttles…strapping tractor devices to their hulls, and sending them into Dyson uncrewed.
warp n. | 1999 | Star Trek Next Generation: Dyson Sphere i. 9 No dust particles glowed and scratched warp trails on the bridgescreen.
worldlet n. | 1999 | Star Trek Next Generation: Dyson Sphere ix. 145 The worldlet wobbled and cracked… After more than two hours, it was still flinging sparks and hot coals from the wound.