Julian May

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Julian May

See first quotes from Julian May

8 Quotations from Julian May

cityship n. 1953 J. May Star of Wonder in Thrilling Wonder Stories Feb. 86/1 Leaning forward swiftly to the control panel Hondra tuned in the assembly hall of the nearest cityship. It was in an uproar. The image of the home planet remained on its screen. Most of the people raised their arms toward it and wept, while others streamed up and over the seats in exultant frenzy.
home sun n. 1983 J. May Nonborn King 256 He had begun the hunt by examining the rare star-group containing the Lylmik home-sun.
impeller n. 1983 J. May Nonborn King iii. v. 273 The sky was brilliant cobalt without a cloud, and the air almost dead calm; but the vessel was making a steady six knots, its solar-powered impeller augmented by metapsychic thrust from the PK specialists on watch.
mind-controlled adj. 1984 J. May The Adversary 202 If I wipe out the schematics and certain irreplaceable pieces of manufacturing apparatus—fleck-etchers, photonic alloying machines, mind-controlled micromanipulators—no one will ever build the Guderian device here.
regeneration tank n. 1981 J. May Many-Colored Land (1983) 25 The wounded actor was philosophical about his three months in the regeneration tank. ‘Just the hazards of the trade, kid,’ he had told his remorseful attacker.
teleview n. 1981 J. May Many-Colored Land (1982) 67 Mercedes Lamballe’s teleview number responded with a subscriber canceled service notice. [Ibid. 68] He broke the connection and sat in the teleview kiosk…. Grenfell held up one apologetic finger to the Simbiari and turned back to the teleview.
thought screen n. 1992 J. May Jack the Bodiless 346 It did Paul no good to erect a thought-screen when that young devil was around—not that the lowliest normal could have failed to read on Paul’s face what the decision had been.
thought shield n. 1983 J. May Nonborn King 128 It is virtually impossible, even for a Grand Master, to probe deep thought levels at a distance. It is also difficult or impossible to farsense a person who has erected a superior thought-shield.