Philip K. Dick

See first quotes from Philip K. Dick
47 Quotations from Philip K. Dick
aircar n. | 1967 | Counter-Clock World (1990) 59 He slapped Lindy on the back, then strode up the stairs to the roof field parking area, where his aircar reposed.
chrononaut n. | 1974 | Little Something for Us Tempunauts in E. L. Ferman & B. N. Malzberg Final Stage 297 The Soviet chrononaut N. Gauki lifted both hands impassionedly and spoke to the Americans across the table from him in a voice of extreme urgency. ‘It is the opinion of myself and my colleague R. Plenya, who for his pioneering achievements in time travel has been certified a Hero of the Soviet People, and rightly so, that based on our own experience and on theoretical material developed both in your own academic circles and in the Soviet Academy of Sciences of the USSR, we believe that tempunaut A. Doug’s fears may be justified. And his deliberate destruction of himself and his team mates at re-entry, by hauling a huge mass of auto parts back with him from ETA, in violation of his orders, should be regarded as the act of a desperate man with no other means of escape.’
chrononaut n. | 1974 | Little Something for Us Tempunauts in E. L. Ferman & B. N. Malzberg Final Stage 287 Addison addressed the Soviet chrononaut. ‘Officer N. Gauki…what in your mind is the greatest terror facing a time traveler? That there will be an implosion due to coincidence on re-entry, such as has occurred in our launch? Or did other traumatic obsessions bother you and your comrade during your own brief but highly successful time flight?’
conapt n. | 1964 | Unteleported Man in Fantastic Dec. 24/1 He followed Rachmael into the conapt living room—the whole room, in fact: living-conditions on Terra being what they were. [Ibid. 41/1] Their neighbors in the tiny cramped conapt with which they shared a bathroom.
conapt n. | 1966 | We Can Remember It For You Wholesale in Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Apr. 4/2 ‘Okay,’ Douglas Quail said, and made his way barefoot from the bedroom of their conapt to the kitchen. [Ibid. 8/1] A cab will leave you off at your conapt and as I say you will never remember seeing me or coming here.
conapt n. | 1964 | Cantata 140 in Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 49/1 ‘Where can I find this Lackmore right now?’ ‘In his conapt in Oakland, California. Probably eating dinner; it’s about six, there.’
conapt n. | 1969 | Ubik (1970) 21 Our department—in fact this entire conapt building—is now programmed against an extension of services and/or credit to such pathetic anomalies as yourself, sir.
empathic adj. | 1967 | Faith of our Fathers in H. Ellison Dangerous Visions 200 He heard his voice, toneless, sounding the poverty of empathic emotionality so usual in Party circles.
extraterrestrial adj. | 1964 | War with Fnools in We Can Remember It Wholesale (1994) 52 The Fnool reached the elevator and without hesitation pressed the button; some extra-terrestrial Fnoolian knowledge guided its hand.
extraterrestrial adj. | 1967 | Faith of our Fathers in We can remember It for you Wholesale (1994) 268 Was it the aquatic horror shape? The thing with slime and teeth, the extraterrestrial life form?
force field n. | 1967 | Counter-Clock World (1990) 205 There seemed to be no force-field, nothing modern, protecting the highly sensitive top levels of the structure.
Ganymedian n. | 1959 | War Game in Galaxy Science Fiction Dec. 92/2 Any group of people as inventive as the Ganymedeans could be expected to show creativity in whatever field they entered.
intersystem adj. | 1953 | Impossible Planet in Imagination Oct. 131/2 Andrews spun the dial of the intersystem vidsender.
kipple n. | 1968 | Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1981) vi. 77 Kipple is useless objects, like junk mail or match folders after you use the last match or gum wrappers or yesterday's homeopape. When nobody’s around, kipple reproduces itself. For instance, if you go to bed leaving any kipple around your apartment, when you wake up the next morning there’s twice as much of it.
moon base n. | 1953 | Second Variety in Space Science Fiction May 140/2 An interesting point. But you see, I know where the Moon Base is. And you don’t. You might fly around for months and not find it. It’s well hidden. Ibid. If I find the Moon Base in time, perhaps I can get them to send a ship back to pick you up. If I find the base in time. If not, then you haven’t a chance. I can imagine there are supplies on the ship. They will last me long enough.
non-terrestrial n. | 1954 | Present for Pat in Startling Stories Jan. 111/1 We’ll restore Matson to his original shape. We’ll return the non-Terrestrial to Ganymede.
non-terrestrial n. | 1964 | What the Dead Men Say in Worlds of Tomorrow June 155/1 My God, it’s coming to us from beyond the solar system! Could it be nonterrestrials of some kind?
out-planet n. | 1957 | Unreconstructed M in Science Fiction Stories Jan. 28/2 ‘Who made it?’ he repeated. ‘A Bellatrix machine tool syndicate…a subsidiary of Tirol’s organization. They’re made to be watchdogs. The big plantations on outplanets use them; they patrol. They get poachers.’
out-planet n. | 1964 | Waterspider in Worlds of If Jan. 119/2 ‘Where would you go?’ Quietly, Fermeti said, ‘To the nearest spaceport, of course. To buy a ticket to Mars or the outplanets.’
out-system n. | 1957 | Unreconstructed M in Science Fiction Stories Jan. 36/2 ‘Where you planning to go?’ ‘Toward Center,’ Tirol said. ‘Center’ was the term used in out-systems for the Sol Group.
precog n. 1 | 1954 | A World of Talent in Galaxy Science Fiction Oct. 10/1 He kept on talking to the Norm-class officials grouped around the two Precogs.
precog n. 1 | 1956 | Minority Report in Fantastic Universe Jan. 7/1 The precogs must see quite far into the future.
precog n. 1 | 1969 | Ubik 7 I can’t keep in mind at all times which inertials are following what teep or precog.
precog n. 2 | 1954 | A World of Talent in Galaxy Science Fiction Oct. 10/2 His wife’s precog span was somewhat greater than his own.
psionic adj. | 1967 | Counter-Clock World (1990) 52 Like Seb he, too, was undoubtedly slightly psionic.
robotrix n. | 1974 | Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said (1975) xxvii. 198 Evidently he waited for the robotrix attendant to finish fueling up his ship.
scanner n. | 1977 | A Scanner Darkly (1991) xi. 185 What does a scanner see? he asked himself. I mean, really see? Into the head? Down into the heart? Does a passive infrared scanner like they used to use or a cube-type holo-scanner like they use these days, the latest thing, see into me—into us—clearly or darkly?
sf adj. | 1977 | in We can Remember It for you Wholesale (1994) 493 I used to dig in the garden, and there is nothing fantastic or ultradimensional about crab grass…unless you are an sf writer, in which case pretty soon you are viewing crab grass with suspicion.
space pilot n. | 1964 | Unteleported Man in Fantastic Stories Dec. 12/2 No matter how long the Lies Incorporated professional and ultra-veteran space-pilot kept the huge liner the Omphalos lost between planets, the components would be ‘held up unavoidably’.
Terran n. 1 | 1953 | Variable Man in Space Science Fiction Sept. 9/2 Through the windows of his office, Reinhart could see endless buildings and streets, Terrans hurrying back and forth.
Terrestrial n. 1 | 1964 | Little Black Box in We Can Remember It For You Wholesale (1994) ii. 18 Mercer is not on Earth. I would guess that he is not a terrestrial at all.
thought wave n. | 1954 | Sales Pitch in Future Science Fiction June 73/1 Tired of the same old job? Wonder Circuits Inc. has perfected a marvelous long-range thoughtwave scanner. Know what others are thinking and saying. Get the edge on fellow employees. Learn facts, figures about your employer’s personal existence. Banish uncertainty!
time-path n. | 1956 | Minority Report in Fantastic Universe Jan. 19/1 Unanimity of all three precogs is a hoped-for but seldom-achieved phenomenon, acting-Commissioner Witwer explains. It is much more common to obtain a collaborative majority report of two precogs, plus a minority report of some slight variation, usually with reference to time and place, from the third mutant. This is explained by the theory of multiple-futures. If only one time-path existed, precognitive information would be of no importance, since no possibility would exist, in possessing this information of altering the future.
timequake n. | 1954 | Breakfast at Twilight in Amazing Stories July 33/2 The concentrated energy must have tipped some unstable time-fault. Like a rock fault. We’re always starting earthquakes. But a time quake... Interesting. That’s what happened, I think. The release of energy, the destruction of matter, sucked your house into the future. Carried the house seven years ahead.
time travel n. | 1974 | Little Something for Us Tempunauts in We can Remember It for you Wholesale (1994) 344 An extraordinary moment in the history of the United States' involvement with time travel.
time travel n. | 1974 | Little Something for Us Tempunauts in We can Remember It for you Wholesale (1994) 339 The public believes that…the flight into time, the first American time-travel launch, was successful.
time traveller n. | 1974 | Little Something for Us Tempunauts in We Can Remember It for you Wholesale (1994) 336 What in your mind is the greatest terror facing a time traveler? That there will be an implosion due to coincidence on reentry?
time-warping adj. | 1964 | Unteleported Man in Fantastic Dec. 75/2 ‘We have something new…and according to the Defense Department people very promising. It’s a time-warping construct that sets up a field which coagulates the—’ ‘Just equip me.’
Titanian n. | 1963 | Game-Players of Titan vi. 53 Wives, Schilling thought. More of a problem than an asset. The economic aspects of our fives should never have been melded hopelessly with the sexual; it makes things too complex. Blame that on the Titanians and their desire to solve our difficulties with one neat solution covering all. What they've actually done is gotten us entangled even more thoroughly. Pete hadn’t said any more about Carol.
Titanian adj. | 1963 | Game-Players of Titan (1992) xiv. 157 ‘It never occurred to them that you’d cheat.’ ‘They cheated first. They changed the value of the card!’ ‘To them, that’s legitimate, a basic move in The Game. It’s a favorite play by the Titanian Game-players to exert their extra-sensory faculties on the card; it’s supposed to be a contest between the sides; the one who’s drawn the card struggles to keep its value constant, you see?’
Uranian adj. | 1959 | War Game in Galaxy Dec. 94/1 He picked up a large toy spaceship manufactured by a Uranian company.
vidcall n. | 1953 | Mr. Spaceship in Imagination Jan. 44/1 As soon as we get to the moon base I’ll make a vidcall to earth.
vidcall n. | 1953 | Defenders in Galaxy Jan. 9/2 A vidcall is sent up and contact is made with a field headquarters.
vidcall n. | 1965 | Retreat Syndrome in Worlds of Tomorrow Jan. 85/2 He put in a long-distance vidcall to Dr. Edgar Green…on Ganymede.
vidscreen n. | 1969 | Ubik (1977) 1 The technician in charge of the night shift at the map room coughed nervously as the massive, sloppy head of Glen Runciter swam up to fill the vidscreen.
vidscreen n. | 1953 | Mr. Spaceship in Imagination Jan. 44/2 On the vidscreen Dolores knitted her brow.
vidscreen n. | 1953 | Infinites in Planet Stories May 58/2 Blake and I will discuss it with you on the vidscreen.