E. Everett Evans

3 Quotations from E. Everett Evans

battleship n. 1962 E. E. Smith & E. E. Evans Masters of Space in Worlds of If Jan. 105/2 One minute after the Terran battleship Perseus emerged into normal space, the Orion went into subspace for her long trip back.
everywhen adv. 1949 E. E. Evans Food for Demons in Weird Tales Jan. 33/1 Its knowledge was starkly inconceivable, yet It was greedy and thirsty for more and greater knowledge. Everything everywhere everywhen was of interest to It.
spacehound n. 1961 E. E. Smith & E. E. Evans Masters of Space in Worlds of If Nov. 26/2 Sawtelle smiledβ€”the first time the startled Hilton had known that the hard, tough old spacehound could smile.