Keith Laumer

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Keith Laumer

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3 First Quotations from Keith Laumer

armorplast n. 1964 K. Laumer Thunderhead in Galaxy Science Fiction Apr. 41/2 By putting his face flat against the armorplast panel he was able to see the ship, now a flaring fireball dropping in along a wide approach curve.
Clarke orbit n. 1969 K. Laumer And Now They Wake in Galaxy Mar. 20/1 The meteorologist on duty in the United States Weather Satellite in Clarke orbit twenty-two thousand miles above the Atlantic had watched the anomalous formation for half an hour on the big twelve-power screen before calling it to the attention of his supervisor.
in-system adv. 1961 K. Laumer Stranger in Paradox in Fantastic Aug. 74/2 Yes; and there are absolutely no defenses. This ship is the only armed one between here and Station Seven, a week’s run in-system.