Laurence Schwartzman
See first quotes from Laurence Schwartzman
3 Quotations from Laurence Schwartzman
areographer n. | 1932 | Red Slag of Mars in Wonder Stories Quarterly Spring 397/2 The scientists included, to name a few of them, John Nisbit, Canadian astronomer, Anido Castelar, Chilean archaeologist…and Paul Rhodes, South African areographer.
areological adj. | 1932 | Red Slag of Mars in Wonder Stories Quarterly Spring 395/2 Dr. Eldred…was head of the Eldred Areological Expedition, which sailed…six years ago, for the planet Mars.
ultrawave n. | [1932 | Red Slag of Mars in Wonder Stories Quarterly Spring 402/2 Then I saw the deadly little ultra-wave projector in Satsuma’s yellow hand, an ominous bluish glow flickering about the point of the the tube…. ‘You don’t dare use that!’ I shot at him. A pencil of blue hissed at me, for answer. A hot needle of pain seared across my shoulder; smoke of burned flesh and fabric burst from me. I still wear the mark of Satsuma’s ray.]