Jim Vanny
See first quotes from Jim Vanny
5 Quotations from Jim Vanny
Earthbound adj. 1 | 1930 | Liners of Space in Air Wonder Stories Feb. 711/1 Later when we asked to be put aboard an Earth-bound liner, Doctor Sigurd told us that he hated the Earth and we would never see it again.
life tube n. | 1930 | Liners of Space in Air Wonder Stories Feb. iii. 708/1 Driscoll gave a cry and pointed to the screen. There it was—number 12 life tube—lying a thousand miles astern. In a few minutes the Swan had drawn up alongside the tube. But as the two men from the Swan boarded the little craft, their eyes met that same scene of desolation that they had encountered upon her mother ship. A quick test showed she had oxygen—plenty of it. And yet, across the floor of the car were the bodies of Jackson and Manning.
shuttle n. | 1930 | Liners of Space in Air Wonder Stories Feb. 748/1 ‘To the shuttle!’ yelled Joslin. And indeed this seemed the only avenue to escape left open. Quickly the trap door to shuttle number one was banged open. The eight quickly entered and the door was once more bolted shut. A minute later they were flung free from the doomed vessel. Quickly the shuttle was reversed and turned away from the Barta. The last they saw of that wonderful ship, she was headed directly toward the blinding glare of the sun…. In due time the shuttle was picked up by a Venusian liner bound for the Earth.
space liner n. | [1930 | Liners of Space in Air Wonder Stories Feb. 704 (title) Liners of Space. [Ibid. 709/2] I mean that this fanatic refuses to set us upon the Earth or any other planet or put us aboard some passing inter-planetary liner.]
Uranian adj. | 1930 | Radium Master in Wonder Stories Aug. 242/1 Directly below them was a great clearing—the Uranian airport.