Rick Sneary
5 Quotations from Rick Sneary
egoboo n. | 1948 | Letter in Thrilling Wonder Stories Feb. 98/1 Well after the pile of ego-boo I got in the Oct. issue I just couldn’t let it slip by without telling you what I think of this much heralded issue.
egoboo n. | 1948 | Letter in Startling Stories Sept. 124/2 Dear Sir: Time, tide and publishers wate for no man, so if I expect to get my monthly dose of ego[-]boo I had better get at it. It really does serve a perpose, I keep telling myself. By interesting the pasifans that write me in ative fandom, I draw in a little new blood.
Hugo n. | [1950 | in Spacewarp (#41) Aug. The latter is brought out in the plans for awarding ‘Hugo’s’. Mark my word, it will be just like the ‘Oscar’s’, a group patting itself on its own back. ]
science fictional adj. | 1950 | This, On a Blue Monday! in Planet Stories Fall 100/2 (letter) We will have authors, and fans, auctions and speachs [sic] on science-fictional subjects.
thud and blunder n. | 1947 | Letter in Startling Stories Jan. 98/2 Oh yes, I see Wellman is bringing Captain Future back next issue. I hope it is good. Some of CF aren’t, and Wellman has such a style of his own. He is good but…his big sute if [sic] picturing the viewpoint of other races. I hope this next story don’t drop into that kine of thing. CF has to [sic] much of a thud and blunder past for such a thing.