Max C. Sheridan
See first quotes from Max C. Sheridan
1 Quotation from Max C. Sheridan
carbon-based adj. | 1939 | Human Equation in Thrilling Wonder Stories Feb. 21/1 I for one don’t doubt the possibility that some form of life might exist which had for an elemental basis some other substance than Carbon. However, during the millions of years which have elapsed since the first feeble life struggles of primitive, elemental life-stuff, there is not the slightest sign that any living thing has ever evolved with any element other than carbon as its basic substance. There must be a reason for that, and logic dictates what that reason is: Nature will not tolerate anything but the organic bases [sic] of life as we know it—the carbon base. Assuming that that base can be changed—to silicon as suggested by our distinguished colleague—would the game be worth the candle? It might be a defense against the Devil Plants—I believe it would be—but would it be a defense against Nature, the Nature that has told us what she wanted in a million year-long record—man—protoplasmic—organic—carbon-based.