John Clute

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John Clute

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3 First Quotations from John Clute

edisonade n. 1993 J. Clute Encyclopedia of Science Fiction 368/2 As used here the term ‘edisonade’—derived from Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) in the same way that ‘robinsonade’ is derived from Robinson Crusoe—can be understood to describe any story which features a young US male inventor hero who uses his ingenuity to extricate himself from tight spots and who, by so doing, saves himself from defeat and corruption and his friends and nation from foreign oppressors.
sharecrop n. 1991 J. Clute SF Novels of Year in D. Garnett New Worlds 1 249 Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke both ‘collaborated’ in the production of novels both of which—though neither outcome was technically a sharecrop, neither younger partner being sufficiently junior or impoverished to have to work for hire—had all the seeming of the sharecrop title: the clone gaze inwards of each book at the altar of the past; the enervating belatedness of plot and discourse; the medusa chill of the sealed and finished texts.
sharecrop v. 1994 J. Clute Is Science Fiction Out to Lunch? in J. Morrow Nebula Awards 28 2 Most of what is published is now industrial-base frozen food, portion-controlled, Sanisealed, and sharecropped, spilling like plastic hot-dogs from a million identical slots in a million vending machines.