Richard Wilson
See first quotes from Richard Wilson
7 Quotations from Richard Wilson
completist n. | 1940 | Strictly Public in Science Fiction Weekly (vol. 1, iss. 3) 1 Apr. 4 We’ve been thinking for quite a while that Something Ought to be Done about the deluge of comic books that is slowly but surely driving completists crazy.
empathist n. | 1957 | Locus Focus in Science Fiction Quarterly Aug. 33/2 It was while we were sitting in the Chock Full o’ Nuts on the corner of Worth street, having coffee and cream cheese on date-nut bread, that be told me he was an empathist. ‘An empathist,’ I said. ‘Is that a fancy word for mind reader?’ ‘On the contrary. A so-called “mind reader” absorbs the thoughts of others; an empathist projects thoughts or emotions into others’ minds.’
gafia n. 1 | 1940 | Strictly Public in Science Fiction Weekly 12 Apr. 4/1 The Local & Benevolent Order of Gafia is the latest contribution of this department to the finer arts of fandom.
Martian n. 2 | 1937 | Grogswell Dirk in Cosmic Tales Quarterly (#1) Summer ii. 17 ‘Parlez-vous,’ he began, ‘Francais? Hablo usted manana? Nicht war gesundheit? Pro bono pluribus unum? Hoy ping pong? Ja?’ ‘Oui,’ replied the king. ‘Also Greek, Martian, Jovian, Sanskrit and Pig-Latin. Howza boy?’
planetman n. | 1951 | Dateline: Mars in Planet Stories May 75/2 His skin was whiter than that of most of his planetmen, and he had no neck to speak of.
planetman n. | 1942 | Four-Star Planet in Future Apr. 76/2 When the brown folk learned that no further harm would befall them from their planetmen, they too swarmed over, making gentle nuisances of themselves.
rocketport n. | 1938 | Rocketport in Science Fiction News Letter (vol. 1, no. 9) 29 Jan. 2 Grover Whalen, president of the New York World Fair 1939, Inc., announced this week that a feature of the fair will be an intricate working model of an interplanetary rocketport of the future.