Donald Franson

See first quotes from Donald Franson

11 Quotations from Donald Franson

COA n. 1962 D. Franson Key to the Terminology of Science-Fiction Fandom 6 CoA, change of address. Notice placed in fmz that has wide circulation.
conreport n. 1962 D. Franson Key to the Terminology of Science-Fiction Fandom 6 Con Report, an informal article written by a fan, telling about a convention, including both program and personal adventures.
croggled adj. 1962 D. Franson Key to the Terminology of Science-Fiction Fandom 6 Croggled, astounded, amused.
fanzine n. 1962 D. Franson Key to the Terminology of Science-Fiction Fandom 18 Zine, magazine, fanzine or prozine.
gafiate v. 1962 D. Franson Key to the Terminology of Science-Fiction Fandom 7 Gafiate, leave fandom (from ‘gafia’).
light-day n. 1971 G. Benford & D. Franson Star Crossing in Worlds of If Mar. 88/2 They can’t use gravity waves, so they have to signal by radio or light and they were about two light-days out then.
light-month n. 1971 G. Benford & D. Franson Star Crossing in Worlds of If Mar. 121/1 I haven’t heard from the Lone Ranger yet…. Probably tangling with the Dents a light-month away.
neo n. 1962 D. Franson Key to the Terminology of Science-Fiction Fandom 9 Neofan, Neo, new fan, usually only such for a few months.
neofan n. 1962 D. Franson Key to the Terminology of Science-Fiction Fandom 9 Neofan, Neo, new fan, usually only such for a few months.
RealSoonNow adv. 1962 D. Franson Key to the Terminology of Science-Fiction Fandom 15 Real Soon Now — Fannish promise of imminent activity, now has meaning of ‘far in the future’. Capitals denote sarcasm.
zine n. 1962 D. Franson Key to the Terminology of Science-Fiction Fandom 18 Zine, magazine, fanzine or prozine.