Darrell Schweitzer

11 Quotations from Darrell Schweitzer
Bonestellian adj. | 1988 | Books in Aboriginal Science Fiction Mar.–Apr. 18/3 The art itself is splendid, in the finest Bonestellian tradition of astronomical art.
de Campian adj. | 1990 | Mene... Mene... Tekel... in Aboriginal Science Fiction Sept.–Oct. 30/2 Our hero finds himself inhabiting the body of a bishop and caught up in the politics of this new world. Like any de Campian protagonist he is tough, inventive, cheerful, a regular guy only a lot smarter, and he makes the best of things.
fanspeak n. | 1985 | Letter in Science Fiction Review Winter 47/2 The need has arisen for a fanspeak term which means ‘strangers we ignore at conventions’.
Gernsbackian adj. | 1988 | Realistic Science Fiction in Aboriginal Science Fiction May–June 17/1 Reacting against the Gernsbackian tradition in which characters routinely lectured one another in stupefying detail about the wonders of the future (and the editor added footnotes to explain the science even further, usually incorrectly), Campbell wanted lived-in futures, in which people got on with their lives, taking everything in their world for granted, just like we do.
Hamiltonian adj. | 1993 | Making a Break for It in Aboriginal Science Fiction Winter 55/3 Sure enough, these are almost without exception pulp stories—sometimes very rare, hitherto unreprinted ones, at least one never before published Weird Tales reject which Lovecraft professed to admire—and they demonstrate the inability of pulp methods (which may work well in a Hamiltonian space opera) to cope with the supernatural horror story, which, as Lovecraft was well aware, consists almost entirely of atmosphere, texture, and stylistic fine-tuning.
interplanetary n. | 1988 | Tommyknockers (review) in Aboriginal Science Fiction Mar.–Apr. 16/1 His science fiction includes a variety of stories about ESPers, including Carrie, The Dead Zone, and Firestarter; two future dystopias, The Running Man and The Long Walk (the latter also partaking of the SF convention of the alternate history); a couple of interplanetaries (‘The Jaunt‘ and ‘Beachworld’) and a variety of stories about scientifically produced monstrosities invading the here and now, most notably ‘The Mist.’
Lovecraftian n. | 1990 | Critical Theories in Aboriginal Science Fiction Mar.–Apr. 29/3 Burleson has started a considerable controversy by writing long-winded ‘deconstructions’ of Lovecraftian verse, sometimes several thousand words of murky amphigory about a single, short poem. Response from fellow Lovecraftians has been decidedly underwelming [sic].
neopro n. | 1983 | Letter in Science Fiction Review Nov. 17/3 I don’t play the social role of pro very well either. One person was even candid enough to tell me that I’m not enough of a stuffed shirt to do it convincingly. I fraternize with the fans too much without making any attempt to maintain superior status. (Which is something most neo[-]pros do deliberately. Big time pros don’t have to.) So I’ve come up through the ranks with making any attempt to cut myself off from those ranks afterwards.
planetscape n. | 1977 | The Amazing Interview: Hal Clement in Amazing Stories Mar. 78/1 Do you ever do it by starting with a scene or visually striking planetscape, then rationalizing it?
space-armored adj. | 2006 | Remembering the Future in Asimov’s Science Fiction Oct.–Nov. 225 We remember the future, [/] the bright, curving horizons gleaming [/] on viewscreens against a backdrop of stars, [/] space-armored legions clanking [/] past rows of hulking machines [/] …. to confront the all-metal worlds.
thought-variant n. | 1987 | Letter in Aboriginal Science Fiction July–Aug. 39/2 Tremaine, in the ‘thought variant’ era, maintained Bates’s gains and pushed for genuinely imaginative concepts.