Hugh MacColl
See first quotes from Hugh MacColl
4 Quotations from Hugh MacColl
Marsian n. 1 | 1889 | Mr. Stranger’s Sealed Packet in Vilas County News (1897) 10 May vii. 8/2 [T]he vehicles were moved by some internal power or machinery; there were no horses or other beasts of burden to be seen anywhere. Evidently these Marsians had attained a high degree of civilization.
Marsian n. 2 | 1889 | Mr. Stranger’s Sealed Packet in Vilas County News (1897) 24 May viii. 8/4 My host made me understand that glaten was the name of the cake which we ate, that doichen was the red liquid which we drank, that glat meant eat, and that doich meant drink. He also told me the Marsian for hand, foot, nose, head, table, chair and many other things. [Ibid. 8/5] I applied myself diligently to the study of the Marsian language, and to such purpose that in three months I could converse fairly well, and in six months fluently. [...] The pronunciation I never properly mastered; but, in other respects I got to speak pretty well in time. But though I had learnt to speak the Marsian language in a few months, it took me much longer to learn to read it.
Marsian adj. | 1889 | Mr. Stranger’s Sealed Packet in Vilas County News (1897) 10 May v. 8/1 I noticed, to my astonishment, that all things around me were assuming a delicate rosy hue. Looking out to ascertain the cause, I saw that the sun had now sunk below the horizon, and that this was a peculiar effect of the Marsian sunset. Land, sea and sky all around; mountains, rivers, forests and rushing torrents, all were bathed in a beautiful rosy light.
Terrestrial n. 1 | 1889 | Mr. Stranger’s Sealed Packet in Vilas County News (Eagle River, Wis.) (1897) 17 May viii. 8/1 He gave me a cordial, welcoming smile, and held out his left hand to me [...] I thought it strange that these Marsians should be so like the terrestrials, not only in their forms and features, but in their very customs. Unquestionably they must have had a common origin, and at no extraordinary remote period either. How could this possibly have been? Was it possible that other terrestrials had anticipated me, and dared to traverse the interplanetary space before me?